STOP Suppressing Your Emotions! (They’re Trying to TELL You Something.) Kill Your Inner Loser | May 18, 2021 | by Andy ------------------------- Guys. I see TOO MANY OF YOU thinking you’re a giant pussy if you ever feel too angry, or get down, or have a week where you’re sad, or get butthurt over a girl rejecting you. I see too many of you thinking there’s something “wrong” with you if you aren’t able to immediately bounce back from a negative experience; as if the act of feeling anything negative means you’re a failure, not masculine enough, not manly enough. _Not a real man_. I see too many of you thinking you need to _suppress_ your emotions at all costs, bottling them up and moving on from them within seconds, as if emotions are something you should never feel if you want a successful life. What the fuck are you guys doing. You’re throwing away some of the most useful and helpful information you will EVER get; discarding the best motivation you’ll ever find in the known universe. Your emotions are INCREDIBLY useful, and I see too many of you thinking they’re a problem when in most cases they’re the SOLUTION. Watch this video, it’s going to absolutely change some of your lives when you realise you’ve been doing emotions all wrong: And for god sakes, please start being GRATEFUL for your emotions. They’re incredibly helpful, IF YOU HARNESS THEM FOR GOOD. ------------------------- [Yo, Andy here. I’m an Aussie guy who went from a depressed, suicidal loser to a guy who gets laid regularly, has 3somes & BDSM sex, crushes weights at the gym & loves his life. I killed my inner loser. It's my mission to get you to kill your inner loser too.] [] ------------------------- Archived from