
~ archived since 2018 ~

Delta Man: Generations

September 11, 2015
There’s no doubt about it, society is going through a radical change being driven by the sexual revolution. It’s destructive to the very fabric of our society and destroys health, families, marriages, and children.

So what to do?

You must change your thinking to generations. I’m assuming that whomever you are reading this feel like you have something positive to contribute to society and that your ideas are important however small. Think back at how you got here and you might know a story or two about the terrible hardships your family line went through to get you to where you are today. My own family left a small country in Europe over 100 years ago and lived in poverty in the United States for a generation. My grandmother almost died when she was baby and if she had, well I wouldn’t be writing this.

Perhaps you don’t know a specific story about your family, but I guarantee you that your family tree was down to a few weak branches at some point over the last thousand years. Mothers dying in childbirth, fathers dying of diseases and war, your distant relatives living in poverty and starvation, but yet here you are today. Some were scoundrels and some were saints but they are all part of your family tree. They gave it all so you could be here reading this.

But if you care about restoring Western Civilization, or at least salvaging what can be held on to then checking out isn’t helping and pessimism is worse. If you decide to never have children, never date another woman, never to contribute, that’s your right, but if you choose to give up your family tree only because there are too many women of low moral character running around for your taste I think you are betraying thousands of years of work it took to get you here.

I realize it’s bad and it’s getting worse, but nothing good in life is ever easy. Even if you find a good woman and have children the battle for them will take place for their rest of your life and you might lose one to the culture at large. Sometimes the weeds choke out the plants as they grow, but does that mean one quits?  I won’t and my ancestors didn't either.

You don't have to get married and have children to help either though that is the largest contribution you can make. You can support those who do, or save your money to leave a legacy to good organizations which fight the good fight.

If you decide that it ends with you then at least do it quietly and don’t discourage those who continue to fight even if you don't want to lift a finger to help. Don’t shoot the guys in the back who are trying their best to save what they can, raise families, and to teach traditional religion and values. Don’t tell them all of the ways they will fail, their wives are all adulterers, their daughters will all be sluts, and their sons will be weak men who lick the boots of feminists. Those things might happen, but why trumpet the tragedies? Instead give them a quiet nod of respect for being fighters and then go about your pleasures until your time ends or you change your mind. This is the long war, one of civilization against barbarism.

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Title Delta Man: Generations
Author 357Delta
Date September 11, 2015 1:24 PM UTC (8 years ago)
Blog Alpha Game
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