This was a response to something in the sister sub, but I thought it was worth it's own discussion thread here.

As much as I am a firm (even radical) proponent of letting people make whatever decisions they like as long as they don't infringe on other people, I also know that most actors are not "rational" (in the economic sense). I am also keenly aware that people make bad decisions all the time because they are using incorrect information, are using correct information in the wrong way, or don't know about the correct information that would change their minds. I am pretty well-versed in military deception, and the goal of MilDec is to get the enemy decision-maker to act in a way that is predictable and exploitable... you do that by 1) putting incorrect information where enemy information collection assets will "find" it, 2) presenting correct information in such a way as to support the deception narrative you want your enemy to believe, and 3) protecting counter-narrative truth from enemy discovery.

All three of those elements are present in the mating market: I can't help but conclude that a deception that is so perfect can only be diabolical in origin. Here's how I see it working:

  1. False information is fed to women by gynocentric culture: You can have it all!... There's no downside to being a slut in your 20s!... You need to find yourself to be happy!... Sexual morality is outdated and oppressive!... We see this all the time.

  2. True information is presented in a way that leads to the wrong conclusion (usually by being presented out of context). You can always get divorced if it doesn't work out!... (but it will ruin your life, your kid's lives, and result in you being miserable). You have 598 matches!... (but they're mostly guys you don't want, and the ones you do want only want to smash-&dash). IVF is available!... (but it's ruinously expensive and has a very high failure rate). Technically true by themselves, but harmful without context. Unintended consequences are a bitch.

  3. Correct information that counters the deceptive narrative is suppressed/hidden: Only incels would tell you to keep your legs closed!... Don't fall for internalized misogyny!... These are designed to get women to disregard good advice before it sinks in, as well as to suppress the dissemination of good advice in the first place by categorizing the people who give it as being "bad people."

There are complimentary factors aimed at men, but that's beyond the scope of this sub. Granted, most people will tenaciously hold to a false narrative even when the mask is pulled back (look how long the 15th Panzer Army was kept out of the fight in Normandy even after it became obvious that the D-Day landing was not a feint). When things as strong as one's sense of self ("I would be a great wife!" or "I'm an alpha male!") are in play, and the driver is something as elemental and visceral as the human sex drive, people will believe and act on the most patent nonsense. Indeed, they will lash out at any "Morpheus" who offers a glimmer of truth.