Earlier in February (before schools got shut down) I made it a goal to start cold approaching girls on my campus. I was at a point where I had grown apart from friends/social circle I had during my freshman/sophomore year and I couldn't meet any girls through my social circle anymore. The approaches I did actually went well and while I did get rejected, I also got a lot of numbers from the approaches when I felt confident and had a good conversation. However, during this time I felt a huge amount of self-doubt. I would keep thinking about why I don't see other guys on campus approaching girls and I started to feel weird doing it. I started caring about what girls would think of me and lost the frame that "I am the prize". I started to feel depressed because while more than anything in the world, I wanted to start spinning plates and meet new girls but my frame kept breaking when I would get rejected or have a bad streak. I kept self-doubting myself and would ask a hundred questions in my head when I would want to approach a girl. I kept worrying if I would look like weird approaching, etc.I would worry about seeing the girl again and having it be awkward. When I would have bad streaks I kept doubting myself and having destructive thoughts like "Is this even worth it?", "I don't look good enough", etc. During my freshman year I knew a guy that would approach every girl he thought was cute and treated it like a pure numbers game. If he got rejected by a girl he would literally find the next cute one and start talking to her without it affecting his frame at all. I want to be like this.

I've been reading Book of Pook and he talks a lot about internal game - If you have positive beliefs about yourself and have a fun outgoing attitude, girls will want to enter your frame and be a part of that fun. I'm having trouble with this more than anything. I'm unable to develop that frame. How do I develop a frame like this and prevent myself from engaging in self-doubting beliefs?