What is toxic femininity? Does our typical female bear the burden of undesirable character traits?

I hear it a lot now; "that right there is MUH TOXIC MASCULINITY" when literally anything comes up on television relating to men.

Toxic Feminine Traits

  1. Male-directed anger and paranoia: Many contemporary women actively dislike the male of the species. Ask the average man. He will tell you that a lot of women are just plain angry at men. They love to hold men accountable for all women’s problems. If a hurtful motivation can be attributed to men, women will go for it. Some are angry because they have convinced themselves that men perceive women strictly as sex objects. For many, feminism is synonymous with the demonization of men.
  2. Transference neurosis: This is an unconscious defense mechanism where a woman’s feelings and attitudes originally associated with male authority figures earlier in her life are attributed or redirected to others in the present. A good example is the unreasonable hatred many women have for President Trump. The transference takes place when Trump—the ultimate male authority figure—is substituted for the bad father, husband, boyfriend, etc. “Angry woman syndrome” is another label given to this condition, where a woman’s negative past experiences create obstacles to current relationships.
  3. Gender manipulation: Women have become adept at passive-aggressive “bitchy” behavior and hidden agendas used to manipulate men. “Men’s brains are designed to spend their time figuring out how to get objects in the environment to do their bidding,” says angryharry.com. “Women’s brains are designed to spend their time figuring out how to get men to do their bidding.” According to Fox News, female manipulation can manifest itself as “dressing sexy,” withholding sex and affection, and flirting with other men. Without blinking an eye, a woman may compromise her integrity for money and security, the ultimate form of gender manipulation.
  4. Emotional detachment: It seems that women are less dependent on relationships than men. Many women are “unwilling or incapable to commit completely to a relationship,” says match.com. “The reasons for this can be quite complex, ranging from emotional trauma to a simple matter of priorities, where a woman is more focused on her career than a relationship.” According to The Telegraph, the number of female sociopaths is rising: “cruel, calculating and calm under pressure.”
  5. *Female victimization***:** Many women play the victim as a method of controlling men. The “damsel in distress” persona has created a sense of entitlement. “Poor me.” “I deserve to be taken care of.” “I gave you the best years of my life.” “Women are not paid the same as men.” “There is a war on women.
  6. *Female self-hatred***:** Most women are depressed by what they see in the mirror. They hate themselves for not living up to impossible standards of physical beauty. This “self-loathing” in women can lead to depression, suicidal feelings, and related eating disorders such as obesity, bulimia, and anorexia.
  7. <font color="red"> Avoidance of accountability</font?: It has become socially acceptable for women to deny responsibility for their actions. In the movie As Good As It Gets, Jack Nicholson explains his success at writing fictional women characters. “I think of a man,” he says, “and then I take away reason and accountability.”
  8. *Vicious competition with other women***:* “Women compete, compare, undermine and undercut one another,” says The New York Times. “Feeling on guard around other ladies is normal for a lot of women.” Evolution has made women wary of their sisters as they compete for male attention or in the workplace. “A host of studies in recent years have shown convincingly that the traditional view of women as passive and uncompetitive is wrong,” says Psychology Today*. “Women, it turns out, are engaged in a competition of their own, aggressively jockeying for position in a battle to secure a suitable mate.”
  9. *The “superwoman” delusion***:** Thanks to the feminist movement, women have been saddled with the idea that “you can do it all.” You can have success at both family and career, with no exceptions. This is a huge burden. Heaven help the woman who is satisfied to be a housewife.
  10. *Female martyr syndrome***:** We are witnessing many examples of individual women pretending to speak for all women when they are only expressing their own opinion. Recent examples in the news are Gloria Steinem, Madeleine Albright, Ashley Judd, and Madonna. The irony is that these women typically lead privileged lifestyles and so have difficulty relating to “average” women.

source: Article

The Female Privilege Checklist

  1. On average I will get a much lighter punishment for the same crime.
  2. PMS is usually considered an extenuating circumstance. (Example #2)
  3. I am not expected to go to war or even drafted into the army.
  4. It's always ladies first. Perhaps also children first, but always girls before boys.
  5. I have special protection from domestic violence and supposedly female-only issues, unlike my male counterparts.
  6. In a sex-related crime (e.g. groping), and in the absence of conflicting evidence, my word will have more weight than a man's.
  7. If I am raped I can safely report it and my report will be taken seriously because there is a legal provision for it.
  8. I can look at children for more than three seconds with no fear of being labeled a pedophile.
  9. Usually, cases of female adult on male childhren sexual abuse aren't even considered in court.
  10. Other cases of abuse are not given the same priority. Child abuse is only sexual in nature. (More)
  11. If I get a divorce, I will invariably get child custody.
  12. If I get a divorce, chances are I will get alimony, even if there are no children.
  13. There is much more funding for breast cancer research than for prostate or testicle cancer research.
  14. If I marry a rich man so that I don't have to work, people will say I'm successful.
  15. I am always protected from genital mutilation. Even in the few places where it is practiced, genital mutilation is sometimes illegal, only for my gender though.
  16. I have a longer life expectancy.
  17. There is a much lesser chance that I will be driven to suicide.
  18. The retirement age for me is lower than for my male counterparts in most places.
  19. The majority of the population in most of the western nations is the same gender as me.
  20. I can fight for my gender's issues with no fear of being labeled a whiny sexist or a chauvinist pig.
  21. Everybody, from a very young age, is taught that they must not hit me. There is a Spanish saying, “a las damas no se las toca ni con el pétalo de una rosa”, which translates as “ladies cannot be touched, not even with a rose petal”.
  22. Due to accusations of sexism, many places now hire preferentially or exclusively women (and that's even ignoring the sex industry). Such discrimination is, in some places, law.
  23. I have a much lower chance of being injured or dying for work-related reasons.
  24. I have no pressure to be physically strong or to do most of the physically demanding work.
    (Army Example) (Police Example) (Fire Fighter Example)
  25. I have little pressure to be a breadwinner.
  26. I can live with someone my own gender with no fear of being labeled a faggot.
  27. Even if I do like my own gender I'm at an advantage – lesbians are generally better treated than gay males.
  28. When I go to a bar, I get to decide whether or not to have sex tonight. Men are competitors; I am the judge.
  29. I can get free entrances to bars and free drinks once I'm in.
  30. Even if I don't, a male is usually expected to pay for me.
  31. If there's a crime or some other wrong and I'm involved, chances are I will automatically be considered a victim.
  32. If I don't like one of my (male) co-workers, I can ruin their reputation with a sexual harassment accusation.
    (Out of 11,364 cases filed 6,658 or 53% were found to have no cause and only 761 or 6.1% were found to have cause)
  33. If I am straight I have it easier when looking for a male.
  34. If I am straight I will never be friendzoned.
  35. If I get a promotion it's gender equality, even if I didn't deserve it. If a male does it's sexism and I can freely denounce it.
  36. I can show skin almost without fear of being arrested.
  37. Even in colleges where most of the students are male, chances are a larger fraction of female applications are accepted.
  38. I have a higher pain threshold.
  39. Paradoxically I have much more protection from pain – I am never told to “woman up” or to “take it like a woman”.
  40. Maternity leave is much more common and has more benefits than paternity leave.
  41. I can freely show my emotions, including crying, with no fear of being labeled a pussy.
  42. If I get to retire and am still single, nobody will question my sexual orientation.
  43. Public restrooms for my gender are almost always spotless.
  44. I have virtually no chance of finding a janitor of the opposite sex on the public restrooms for my gender. And even if I do, I can speak to the manager who will make sure it doesn't happen again.
  45. Chances are I will never have someone of the opposite sex searching me, and my searches will be less invasive.
  46. I can find sexist overtones in every negative situation, even if there aren't, and most people will believe me.
  47. When it comes to sex, I'm not required to maintain an erection for a long time or have high levels of stamina; in fact, it is I who sets the bar and can humiliate men for underperforming.
  48. Most of the best parts in choral music are written for my voice, whatever it may be. Such parts for males (usually tenors only) exist, but are much rarer.
  49. I may verbally defuse or refuse to engage in physical altercation without it damaging my reputation or viability as a sex partner. (thanks Space_Pirate)
  50. I have the privilege of being unaware of (or feigning ignorance about) my female privilege. After all, everybody knows the world is biased against females.

Source: Reddit: The Female Privilege Checklist

I tried to be as thorough as I possibly could with finding sources. So the next time you come across this bullshit, consider yourself armed.

-Dr. Scott