Wayne is fairly popular among redpill thought, and I used to read a bit of his book "How To Be a 3 Percent Man."

In his book and videos, Wayne orders men to read his book 10 times front to back. This is obviously to get men to know his stuff like it was the gospel.

I made it through one reading up until around page 30-ish.

I just remember being profoundly turned off from the entire thing. The lingo of masculine and feminine energy rubbed me off the wrong way.

According to Corey Wayne's world, a woman is naturally going to be indecisive, flaky, and constantly sending out shit tests to men for them to prove their masculinity.

When I read stuff like that, it just made me think: This is an insult to women.

I said "I will not go through my life acting like women are inherently unreliable and seeking to test me."

Now, I admit that Wayne's way of going about things may attract certain types of women, primarily those who may be more likely to fall into traditional gender roles.

But his book does not speak for all women. As a guy, I refuse to believe that.

I read part of his book to make sense of why a woman who seemed to like me at first was no longer interested in a second date. The more I read it, the angrier I felt.

I learned my own lessons with that woman, but they certainly were not about "discovering my masculine energy."

That is pure paranoia fuel.

Wayne's book uses softer language than the traditional red pill stuff, but it has the same philosophy baked underneath.

What are your thoughts on the guy?