Greetings everyone! I just wanted to check in, and give some valid reasons as to why the redpill is incredibly damaging and harmful to mens and womens mental/physical well-being. Now, this isn’t to say that EVERYTHING that the redpill says is false, but we need to acknowledge and accept that men and women are extremely different psychologically/physically, and differ greatly in their sexual, romantic and reproductive wants and needs!
Women and men are NOT the same, far from it. I strongly believe that feminism, progressiveness, and just liberalism as a whole ruined that masculine-feminine dynamic that most females strive for. There are sooooo many positive masculine and positive feminine qualities that men and women should learn respectively, and we shouldn’t be trying to eradicate them at all. Instead, we should embrace them.
Stop pushing girls to be “strong and independent”! Stop pushing men to be “soft and nurturing”! Thank you for reading, I’m open for discussion.
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