Hello guys, i’m 16 and a massive loser. I have few friends, kissless virgin, bullied, and subpar grades. Nobody respects or likes me and i’m sick of it. First i want to ace all my final exams and Summer is coming up and i want to come back a brand new me and fuck my bullies girlfriends.
I read the much of the sidebar but i don’t retain much of it
[–]PaleoPimp 5 points6 points7 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]Valuable_Act_130[S] 3 points4 points5 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Tsar_97 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Nearby_Ad_5684 3 points4 points5 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]YungMattro 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]319Skew 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]blackhammer57 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link