Like the title asks is it possible to reach alpha level while working in IT? Lift, eat good, etc, it makes a difference but noticing that a lot of times I fall back into depressive blue pill form after the weekend after a day or two of sitting at a desk doing computer programming with minimal human interaction and virtually 0 interaction with females or even normal ppl that you would meet outside of this type of work. I am not at my peak (going out meeting ppl etc) until at least a day after work week ends on Sat night.

Growing up computer programming was cool and in blue pill form I thought that if I was a good computer programmer and did good work like a good billy beta I would get the rewards life has to offer etc. Loyal woman, family, respect etc. But realizing how the rest of the world really looks at billy beta programmers and it is sickening to the stomach realizing that I am not doing a job that a real man would do. Also I used to enjoy computer programming however these days it is all about how you can turn it into a process that anyone can follow and the lowest common denominator idiot can work on it so work can shift between teams and anybody can work on anything - there is very little innovation anymore if any at all. Also political correctness everywhere. I can't quit because good money and need to pay for kids from failed marriage etc (don't need to explain that based on what asking here).

I find myself leading somewhat of a double life, I can't talk to anyone about the stuff I do on weekends etc. I am looking for any strategies for this type of environment. I know some ppl say to quit and work in sales etc. But again can't quit because of money and kids etc.

Since have to do this type of work what strategies can be used to go forward etc. If you actually work in IT and have made progress pls share your thoughts or any feedback. Thanks.