I'm new to dating and really want to avoid the ol "Hey lets get supper" dates. I'm at a point now where I can say "Meet me at 3 on saturday" to a girl I'm texting and she will say yes, but I've held off on texting her all day with the plans because I can't for the life of me thinking of anything interesting to do. The most i've come up with inviting her to a long walk in a forested river valley in my city, which I know she would be comfortable doing though its supposed to be +4 celcious that day so it might be cold.

Other than that I have no ideas. Later on saturday I was going to attend a swing dance class open house so that could be a possibility.

I already have a few ideas of proceeding to phase 2 escalation if it goes there but I just don't have an initial meet location picked out.
