Was watching some videos on line and I watch a lot of Jordan Peterson's videos I run across as they tend to have titles about powerful concepts and he words things fun so it's fun to watch. So this video comes up about a woman talking about how Jordan Peterson Red Pilled her.

I find this to be a wonderful video example of a woman just coming out of the fog. She looks dazed, confused, and curious where she is going to go now that the world inside the fog was bogus.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn44uyLkUo8

She talks about how she likes conforming to gender roles as she feels like she actually has advantages being a woman. (Sidenote, both genders have excellent perks for their gender. It's what makes working with each other great.)

Jordan Peterson talks about social and relationship dynamics quite often so it seems to be a fitting entry into RPW and other civil and non-censorship Red Pill communities.

Sidenote, your moderation team should come out of the fog into reality.