I feel like two things are happening as a result of the exponential growth in this sub:

  • A lot of new people are posting about how red pill has changed their life.
  • People who are also new, but think they know all about RP now, want to comment and point out that the story they just read is annoying, probably not true, and can we please stop posting and blah blah blah blah blah.

Before I go on, read these two posts from some of our long-standing members:


NewToRedPill's (ironic) Can the concern trolls please give it a rest about the blue pill example posts?

(Use the search box, I do not want to screen shot, and go through all of that.)

There's a high chance that you didn't read that shit because you are as lazy to search it as I was lazy to screenshot it, so I will summarize and c/p some excerpts.

From time to time, you will find posts that talk about where they came from, how they found red pill, and how red pill has changed their life. When you see this, and it is not agreeable to you because you are so "red" and don't want to see this "beta shit" in an "alpha sub," remember a few things:

-"I've been lurking here since the sub started. I love it. By far, my favorite thing has always been the blue pill example posts. Not only are they good examples of what not to do, but there's a bigger reason I've always liked coming here to read our commentary and discussions about them. And that reason is simple.

This is the only place on Reddit where we can.

Everywhere else it's downvotes to oblivion, deletions, bannings, etc. This is the only place on Reddit where red pill aware people like ourselves can give our take about such things without being censored.

But lately, it seems like every such thread I go into on here, there's a handful of people (concern trolls?) always whining and bitching about these threads and wanting them off the subreddit so that it can supposedly stay pure and all about red pill theory and improvement and blah blah blah. Even though blue pill example posts have been a part of the sub since it began.

Whoever you guys are, can you please just shut the fuck up already?"

You still don't want to see that beta shit and you want to do something about it? Do this:

-"You know the guys with endorsed contributor flairs? Ever notice they're not bitching? They've been here a while, and know what's up. If you don't like the content you see, add the content you want to see."

-"Want to complain about how the content isn't precisely what you want? You've got a few options:

  • Use the convenient links at the top of the page to filter your view for a particular topic.
  • Post content you think will help balance TRP out with content you think is missing.
  • Report low quality content.
  • Or, do nothing at all."

Remember, this sub is here to help men find their way. To some, it is they are just clueless and need to do some reading. For others, they just need to vent and have SOMEONE to share their experience with because the rest of the world shuns and shames them. For others, it's to reconfirm what they already know.

Accept this, ignore content that you already know, read what you need, enjoy the community, and leave the banning/policing/content management to the mods. They know what they are doing.
