Sup gents. Been a while since i visited this sub, been off doing my own thing... This one is more geared for the new guys.

What I want to talk about in this post is Congruence, something I've seen here and there in the comments but about which I've never seen any posts. Which is odd, because in my humble opinion congruence is the most important part of game yet no one here ever talks about it. I used to be a big fan of RSD and Tyler would talk about this all the time, especially in the later, more fat and philosophical years.

Simply put, to be congruent is to be aligned in your thoughts and actions.

Have you ever been chillin at a party, or the bar, you meet some dude and he's a nice dude, maybe makes the sporadic funny quip and gets you a beer. But something about him just seems... off. You can't quite pinpoint it. Something I used to say all the time (before I was introduced to this concept) was, "He seems insincere... phony." What I actually meant was "This guy isn't congruent." Humans, being mammals, and pack mammals at that, have developed a sense of awareness when something isn't quite right, maybe when there's potential danger. When someone is saying one thing but deep down they're not in tandem with their vibe, people pick up on it, especially women. Being traditionally smaller and weaker than men, it's that much more important evolutionarily for women to have more sensitive red flag indicators.

Now that we're a couple paragraphs deep, let's really get into it. Being congruent means that if you're the hot, dumb jock type, that's the vibe you put out, and you're truly being yourself. If you're a soft-spoken, sensitive, introverted poet at heart, you're not going around looking to pick fights because you think it will make you look tough. in fact, congruence is less about game and more about self-realization, and it's the most freeing thing you can possibly achieve. It's easier to feel it than it is to explain it, or understand it.

In my younger days, I went with the cocky archetype, or the sensitive guy type, for a little bit I tried to big dick every person that happened to step in front of me. I got laid a lot with these personas, but never with any high quality girls. Definitely no LTR material girls. But as I got older, I found these masks to be 1), not really getting me the results I wanted, and 2), fucking exhausting. By then I had stopped reading this sub, still was flirting and sleeping around, and due to other circumstances, did a lot of growing up, a lot of shedding of the things that weren't making me a better person day by day. And surprise surprise, my interactions with high quality girls were getting better and better. I wasn't using any new magic lines, or showing them pictures of my huuuuge cock (trust me it's big way bigger than you've ever seen trust me), but they could see in my eyes and attitude that I wasn't fucking around. I wasn't trying to be something I'm not to get that pussy. Read that last sentence again. That's the big takeaway here. When people said "Just be yourself, girls will like you," I said, "Fuck you." But what they said was true.. It's just too complicated to be understood with those few words. But in a few more words, "just be yourself" means that when you are truly comfortable with yourself, with who you are and what you're about, you really don't care what others think about you. It gives you a confidence that could only be matched by, idk, a huge, loud, lifted truck that blows black smoke out of a periscope exhaust pipe?

I'll use myself as an example. Who am I? For starters, I use perfect grammar in my every day conversations, but with slang asf. I say "whom," and a preposition is something I'd never be caught dead ending a sentence with. My daily vocabulary is larger than most. I would rather get philosophical than not.Straight up, talking to me is a trip. But it's who I am, I used to feel weird about it but why? I cannot even count on two hands how many girls have said to me, "I've never met anyone who talks like you." I'm a combination of intellectual and funny, think Frasier and Niles but I'm 22 and no one ever knows what the fuck I'm talking about. But I know what I'm talking about, and when I say something that reflects who I am, it doesn't matter if she doesn't know what's happening, she's into it. I fucking hate rap and love heavy metal. I've been told I'm mysterious. "The more I learn about you, the less I know who you are," is an amalgamation of things I've heard more than once. I have so many varied interests, be it guitar, skate boarding, martial arts, etc. But when I get going about something, I don't sound like some guy who's trying to feign knowledge about hockey to impress some girl (of which I'm guilty as fuck). And if I'm unfamiliar about something, it shows and I'm fine with that. I'll ask questions if I'm interested or look away and go "damn that's crazy," if I'm not.

This post is getting to be longer than I planned.

Of course, all of this is done under the over arching concept of FRAME, read up on it if you're unfamiliar because it is quite literally step 2 of TRP (step 1 being get your skinny fat ass in the gym).