I came across this and I thought it would be worth my RP brothers having a look at ... I was astonished, this shit just doesn't happen where I live (Oz) when a woman in a mask walks down the street! Sure she'll get attention BUT not like this!

American Reflexxx


Please watch it first (it's only 14mins) and then read the related links below

I'd like to hear your comments about;

Which people and their behaviors do you see in this film?

The drunk shirtless guy she shoved away, he thinks he's 'alpha' (lol that's if he even knew about such things) How would you classify him? He's what, a drunken beta? IDK

There are so many young betas an the mob, first following and then running away from this girl like packs of sheep! .... sigh.

And the girls! faark! IDK what to say, I've never seen anything like it

What's wrong with these people to think this behavior's ok?

How about that little fat slut who was hassling this (girl?) from the get go, she first tries to run past and slap her on the arse (twice and misses both times!) and then throws water on her (?) and finally pushes her over from behind and nobody except some pretty nerdy looking (but imo very cool to do that) guy who get's down to help although the camera not doing anything to help would be confusing veryone as to how real this is).... but that little slut in the shorts and braces! what a 'thing' ... and yet how many guys would happily bone her regardless .... it kinda makes me both sick and sad that this IS the case!

But the confidence 'Chromeface' exhibits comes from experience ... of being a HB .... check the photos which she knows IF she took the mask off would change everything.

The way the people run away from her just shows how fucking gutless most people are! ffs! That blew my mind!

I wouldv'e at least said g'day as she walked past and commented on the awesome mask, and I would've pissed myself laughing if I saw people running away from a tall blonde in a mask being filmed! wtf? lmao!

This is the face behind the mask https://www.google.com.au/search?q=signe+pierce&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=TGdMVeDeOeTCmQXPv4HgAg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1138&bih=506

Here's the directors discussing it


And here's a very interesting a buddhist pov, which I think is excellent in the questions it raises ...


what do you guys think?