Yesterday I was with my girl in a love hotel, and I decided I wanted to go all porn star with her, so I grab her by the hips, raise her to my hips and start making out for a minute or two. Then I raised her more, while manipulating her in the air, to my shoulders, I made her sit in them and then started eating her out for a little while more. Lastly, I lower her back to my mouth and start making out again...

1 hour and 17 orgasms later she tells me "that was so hot, I felt like I was weightless to you and that made me so horny"

Always be strong enough to easily lift your girl is something we should all strive, I think in fact that no real relationship is really possible with a girl unless that phrase becomes a reality.

That is why get ripped is so important, it's not only the appearance but the ability to become dominant by strenght.