I need some help picking between 2 potential jobs i may be offered tomorrow. I'll just refer to them as Industry A and Industry B.

Quick background: I joined the workforce a bit late due to family business commitments until i decided to break free and forge my own career and life independent of my family's wishes. Found TRP at the same time.

Moved to my dream town and thanks to a friend i started working in Industry A.

Pros of this job: The job is a mickey mouse routine, it is easy and there is little to do. Shift based so can plan holidays and events around it. Well paid.

Cons of the job: Long shift hours and very lonely. Zero mental stimulation. Office politics due to the lack of engaging tasks. Very repetitive. Dead end career prospects.

I eventually was let go due to office politics getting out of control and my boss could see i was unengaged.

I searched for similar jobs for months and eventually managed to get into a brand new industry thanks to a friend, Industry B.