Summary: Go to TBP subreddit and do the exact opposite of everything they say. Those people are totally gone, the matrix has them, which ironically makes them extremely useful. The more they mock an idea, the more evidence you have that it's true and important to internalize completely.

Body: People at TBP are totally gone. They have all the data right in front of them but refuse to accept reality. They're simply too weak to accept the truth. That or the truth makes them personally look bad and they really would rather not accept it. So what do they do? Chat in a subreddit completely dedicated to mocking us and denying everything. In a nutshell, what that means is this:

TBP is one big defense mechanism.

Use this. Don't just let it go to waste.

The great thing about it is the smart man can go there and look at what they say and always know to do the exact opposite. Sure that place can be infuriating. I used to get angry when I went there. I mean so many fucking lies, so much twisting our words and bullshit. I wouldn't recommend going there without a very strong sense of amused mastery.

But once you're on the level where you see TRP truths all the time every day, once you've really internalized everything, they become harmless.

And here's the thing:

The more they twist our words around, misquote us, and use awful sarcasm/snark/smugness, the more you know we struck a nerve.

This is a great technique to understand the most salient truths about the world.

So go there, look at the most common things they say, and understand how the exact opposite is true.

But in case you'd really rather not go over to that den of snakes, I took a look for you so you don't have to. Here's some of the things they say:

  • TBP: I hate Person X!

Truth: Person X is probably fucking awesome. (Especially applies to GayLubeOil, Archwinger and other endorsed users.)

  • TBP: TRP is dangerous!

Truth: It's dangerous to go through life without knowing how things really work.

  • TBP: TRP is such a toxic environment!

Truth: Men come here and donate their time to helping others. It's about improving yourself. Meanwhile, TBP is a place where they exist solely to troll and criticize and be snarky and sarcastic and wish violence upon us. Now that's toxic.

  • TBP: Person X is for sure a rapist!

Truth: Person X is highly unlikely to be a rapist. They just disagree with his position, so do what they always do and make shit up.

  • TBP: Oh what do I know, I'm just a woman - whoops I mean a sex thing.

Truth: They commonly use sarcasm to refer to women as "sex things." It means it's true and they know it but they hate how it makes them feel so they always deny it. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ONE.

  • TBP: <Insert sarcasm here>

Truth: Yeah, pretty much any sarcastic mantra is going to mean it's true but they dislike it due to their feels.

  • TBP: TRP is a hate movement!!!!!!!! (This in particular is extremely common)

Truth: We recognize hate as a phase people go into when uncovering the ugly truths of the world but refer to it as the "Anger Phase." We encourage people to vent for as long as they have to but ultimately accept it and move on.

  • TBP: Terpers, manuresphere, etc...

Truth: Haters gonna hate. The more they make up juvenile names for us the more we know we're on the right track.

  • TBP: TRP will make you single and lonely for the rest of your life! Repent, sinners!

Truth: TRP helps men get what they want out of life by increasing their SMV. That's almost the entire focus of this community.

  • TBP: Oh well I'm a woman, so obviously I'm a slut and a whore like all women are. FUCKING LOL.

Truth: Yes, that is correct. Once again, using sarcasm means we struck a nerve, and striking a nerve means we said something true.

  • TBP: I wasn't horny but then he NEGGED me and then I got so horny lol! WTF, terpers think insulting me makes me wet what a lie so stupid!!!!

Truth: If you're a fat ugly feminist miserable slob then maybe not. But for attractive women who get hit on all the time and are overly confident, yes, negging takes them down a notch. It works by making them doubt themselves and seeking your approval. This has been well documented in the field ever since the PUA days in the 2000's.

  • TBP: Terpers are obsessed with being "alpha" enough. It's a bunch of pseudo-biology.

Truth: Well yes actually, the community does abuse the word alpha. But women truly do ignore all but the top men (aside from when they need to use a beta provider for free shit). Hypergamy is real and the men here have seen it first-hand.

  • TBP: TRP are evil men hurting women, who are poor little victims.

Truth: If the guys in here were naturally evil/dark triad, they would get a lot more pussy, because women evolved to have some fucked up tastes. They're actually a bunch of former nice guys in here. In contrast, women are CONSTANTLY plotting and scheming. The legal system absolutely makes us victims as well. If anything, men are the victims here, although we're way too proud (and busy improving our lives) to actually talk about ourselves that way. It's just pathetic.

  • TBP: False rape accusations never happen guys! False paranoia!

Truth: We know that they do, and it's your tears in the courtroom vs. us being painted as the bad guy defendant. We hear plenty of stories where a guy loses his job or gets expelled from school/socially ostracized over the mere ACCUSATION. It is something to be legitimately concerned about. Hell, recently in the news, a guy in India was beaten to death by an angry mob over the ACCUSATION that he raped a girl.

  • TBP: Well I'm not a virgin so I guess I'm totally damaged goods LOL.

Truth: Ah, more sarcasm. Actually, countless cultures across the planet have highly valued virginity in brides for thousands of years. So yes, you are less valuable than you used to be. And it's never coming back.

  • TBP: Too bad I'm not attractive at all! You know, because I hit THE WALL and everything.

Truth: Actually, they never seem to discuss this one haha. I guess it's undeniable even to them. I bet the best they could come up with would be to shame us for not being horny for them once they're old and used up and shriveled and gross. Probably come up with a way to use the word "objectification" while they're at it. But no seriously the fear they have over the wall is palpable.

Lessons Learned:

There's no reason to let this highly useful resource go to waste. By looking at TBP you will refine your RP understanding to the most important points. Try looking at the top voted posts of all time and work your way down for an especially concentrated dosage of TRP. Remember, the more you start to be infuriated by their bullshit, the more you should maintain frame and learn from them.

I bet this post in particular gets "torn" to "shreds" over there. And by torn to shreds, what I mean is, they will inadvertently confirm which points I made are the most accurate.


We are not a vote brigade. DO NOT subscribe there and DO NOT post there. JUST observe. They're gone anyway, and PPD already exists for that reason. So don't interfere. Besides, if we started posting there, it would blur the reverse message they inadvertently send. Trust me, I'm a doctor.