TL:DR My take on where I think Feminists are heading. Women achieved economic and sexual equality and discovered it’s lonely at the top. They believe men can’t handle successful powerful women. There are signs they are already taking action to address this major problem. They want men to accept their sexual power and sexual independence, even after marriage.

I have watched and read dozens of videos and articles on male/female relationships over the past few months. Yesterday I happened across a video response to a 3rd wave feminist Anita Sarkeesian on YouTube. In short she was contending. Everything is Sexist, is Patriarchy is oppressing women. Whether you act or don’t act...blah blah blah. The video was pointing out the usual obvious self contradictions and flaws. Women in the audience however were all in agreement with this paradoxical reasoning. I was trying to understand the jargon, code and power-talk. What were women getting that men seemed to miss. I woke up at 3:00am and it dawned on me what feminists mean by Patriarchy. It led to this post where I try to piece it all together.

Men are bigger, stronger and smarter than women = Patriarchy.

In an Equal opportunity contest men will win = Patriarchy.

Equal opportunity and Meritocracy = Patriarchy

Thus equality for women = equal outcomes.

Patriarchy = Men.

2nd generation feminism undertook a covert war on men. The systematic attack on male aggression was designed to make men weaker. This has been mostly successful. Just look at the effeminate Hipster generation. Weak men combined with affirmative action quotas allowed women to finally surpass men graduating from universities and in professional careers.

Women have recently discovered their success came at a price.

Equal economic power = unhappy women. Where are all the good men?

Equal sexual power = unhappy women. Men can’t handle successful powerful women.

Women value men by their achievements which last. They also knew their sexual currency had an expiration date. Women thought that if men are valued by their achievements they would be too. They didn’t care about squandering their sexual currency riding the carousel. The believed their new economic power would be valued beyond The Wall. Clearly this hasn’t worked out as planned.

The consequence has been many women remain single. Finding enough good men to marry is their major problem right now. Naturally they blamed men claiming that men can’t handle successful powerful women. They have tried shaming men into Manning Up without success.

Men know that when high value women marry a lower value man he ends up getting cuckolded and divorce raped. Men are waking up to marriage being a bad deal for men and are rejecting this option. The Marriage Strike, TRP, MGTOW and Japan’s Herbivore Men Are testament to this.

Women won’t stand by and lose their male providers without a fight. What are feminists doing about this dilemma? Enter 3rd Wave Feminism. They have to exploit the power they have. Men have economic / physical power. Women have sexual power. Thus women must control all sexual power by any means. Affirmative Positive consent, Rape Culture, Domestic Violence, Fake accusations, Street Harassment are ways women are now using to enforce their sexual currency.

Women know that men retain the value of their achievement after marriage. Women on the other hand give up their sexual currency once married. This is why many women that stop working get fat quickly once they get married. Women with professional careers tend to maintain their body because they want to maintain their sexual power which they can use to get ahead. This is what women mean when they say men can’t handle a powerful career woman. Sexual power is only useful if you can actually use it. They call it maintaining sexual agency or more commonly known as a Hotwife

To fully exploit female sexual currency the definition of marriage needs to change. Many feminists are pushing the acceptance of riding the carousel after marriage. Articles talking up polyamory are appearing in the mainstream media. The wild oats project encourages women to take leave from their marriage and ride the carousel. Even cuckolding not letting your wife sleep with other men is sexist. This trend must be especially appealing to the modern successful powerful career women.

I have read many posts here at TRP of women initiating “open marriages” with their unwitting beta men. I have read countless posts of the hive mind of women telling men to not just ignore the signs of a cheating spouse, but call him controlling for daring to question her. How many times have you all read when a woman cheats it’s his fault? These are signs that the open marriage sentiment is filtering down to the common woman.

Clearly women don’t want to relinquish their sexual power and give up riding the carousel. Their idea solution is to marry a BB early then continue enjoying AF. To achieve this, their new strategy is, to obtain total control of the sexual market place.

1st. Ensure men understand they have zero control over a woman’s sexuality, even your wife. The way feminists want Female Sexual Agency is the right to choose who when where and how they have sex minus the responsibility of their decisions. This has already been achieved.

2nd. Emasculate men by making them fearful of sexual encounters. If she changes her mind the next day is now Regret Rape. The rise in false allegations. They want men to take responsibility for all sexual encounters whilst freeing women of any accountability.

3rd. Prevent alternate sexual release for men. Iceland feminists have closed strip clubs and working to block all internet porn. Most feminist are anti-prostitution. England feminists are trying to ban non porn Lads Magazines from supermarkets. Not allowing any male only spaces as sexist.

4Th. Prevent any criticism of the new misandrist feminism. The attempted shutting down Men’s Rights Activists calling them a misogynist hate group. The silencing of views that don’t support the liberal narrative. The Canadian Twitter Harassment Trial. Anita Sarkeesian addressing the United Nations seeking to sensor any online criticism of feminist dogma by claiming cyber violence is equal to physical violence.

Many of the building blocks needed to achieve this feminist utopia are already in place in the legal system. Threat of false rape in marriage. Threat of false domestic violence claims. Threat of false child abuse claims. All can be made knowing the woman will be automatically believed and without penalty if found to be false. Backed by strong biased divorce laws all things to keep a man in line. Feminist are now working for.

Once women get the state to look after the child raising expenses and free child care women will be free to have their AF cuckold babies. If it’s not a financial burden on hubby he has no right to complain, right?

All they need is a slick advertising campaign to make men accept their new reality of Female Lead Relationships. Stay tuned for the &sexual equality means she should be able to penetrate him also, advertising campaign, because *A real man caters to her kinks. You’ve been warned. Get ready to Bend over Boys.

Lesson : Make no mistake feminism is not about equality. It is all about the female imperative, their dual mating strategy. A world of female led relationships where they control their beta providers and can also enjoy alpha fucks. They are determined to achieve this even if they need to destroy Men and Marriage along the way.