I had a great day today. Sunday is usually a day where I'll go to my favorite coffee shop and work on myself. Reading various books watching videos. I spent a good three hours on that. I texted this girl, Sarah, if we were still down for drinks later that day. She responded yes so I had time to study and do my approaches for the day.

After the coffee shop I saw this short Asian girl and I approached her. Didn't do my usual "Hit and Runs" to warm up. I went straight to it. I did a front direct opener and focused on eye contact. It was good. We talked and I walked her towards the end of the block. Teased her a bit about coffee, in the end I got her number and hyped this coffee shop that I normally visit.

The weather was off today in NYC. Google lied to me. I checked this morning and it told me that it was going to sunny with a bit of clouds the whole day. NOPE. Cloudy and drizzling, all day. I had mixed feelings about the day.I went to Soho to check out some clothes, after I got out from one of the stores a cute asian girl with tits was on her phone next to me. I opened her indirectly. We talked about pastries and what not. She was into anime and was heading to the book store. I got her number and moved on.

More and more approaches. One of them was interesting as I approached her as the light turned red. I was hoping she didn't make a run for it to the other street. Turns out she didn't and I opened her. I was chatting with her for about two minutes as she had to leave. I went for the number close even though there wasn't much time to build rapport. She said she didn't know her number and I took the initiative. I told her to send me a text. She brought up her phone and I typed in my number and hit call on her phone. I got her number and I said bye.

More approaches, more duds and rejections. I went to go get something to eat when this girl passed me. I was standing across the street, debating if I should go after her or go eat. I was conflicted, next thing I knew I was running after her. There was a lot of people and I was walking right behind her. The block was cramped and I doubting my abilities to approach, nevertheless I did it anyway.

I didn't open immediately, I waited at the intersection as we were both waiting for the walk signal. She was on my right and I approached her, looked her in the eyes and said her outfit looked nice. She smiled and we started talking. I walked and talked with her for few blocks and at the end got her number.

Right after I approached her another gorgeous girl passed. I had momentum and I approached this one. We walked and talked, I went for the number but she said no, it was whatever.

I went to a book store and was trying to see if there was anyone I could approach. A lot of prospects but I was just there to kill time. It was raining and I wanted to take a little break. There was this white girl, gorgeous blue eyes. I asked her about the book she was holding and we got into a conversation. I was holding eye contact with her the whole time. It was too bad though as she was with her family and was there for that day only. It was good conversation, very genuine and light. I wasn't going for anything, just being interested in what this woman had to say and giving value.

I went to the comic book store in that area. I dunno why but I was wanted to go in there. I knew there wasn't any hot girls in there. Usually there would be but they would be accompanied by their boyfriends who would be into comics. In the store I saw two cute girls that I wanted to approach. I saw the first one but the second caught my eye and it was easy to strike a conversation.

She had tattoos and I simply told her I liked it. I was dropping a hook to see if she either responded well to start small talk which will lead to a conversation or said thanks and give me the cold shoulder. She took the bait and I went on asking her a few more question on how long it took and whatnot. We started to talk about comics and I let her ramble off about her favorite stories. I was trying to make eye contact with her but she was looking down. I can tell she was super interested from the tone of her voice and excitement but she was looking down and barley making eye contact with me. It didn't bother me as I knew that she was comfortable talking like that.

I had a great time talking to this chick. We were talking about comic books which was amazing. I moved the topic to a more personal one. She told me she was just here for the summer with her boyfriend. I let out a internal sighs. It was time for me to eject myself out of there. I didn't want to make it obvious so I slowly ended the conversation and went to look at some other comics. It was a drag but it was a good learning experience.

I met up with Sarah in this bar. The bar was dead which was good I guess. We talked and whatnot and I was feeling good. I was doing some kino and no lie I was on fire with my eye contact. I felt like I'm really getting the hang of holding eye contact. I broke eye contact on purpose as too much eye contact is also a bad thing.

The conversation was good as we were talking about normal stuff. I was touching her on the arm and her thigh, not too much but subtle. After a good half hour of talking and kinoing I went for the kiss. She rejected it saying "You don't know me!" I smiled and said "Let's fix that" I played the rejection cool and went back to talking.

After some more kinoing and talking I decided to take her to the nearby park. Usually on a date if they reject the kiss I lose interest in the girl, fast and try to end the date. Yeah, I kiss on the first date, who cares. It's fucking 2017, the age of digital dating and apps.

While we were walking there I was noticing so many hot girls that walked passed us. I wanted to ditch this one, seeing how I felt like it wasn't going anywhere, and approach. Once we were in the park we sat down, I put my arm around her and she didn't mind. I was rubbing her thigh, she's a thick spanish girl, thick girls are my weakness. She didn't mind the touching at all, after some talking I went in for the kiss again. Rejected again, same line she told me. I was certain I was able to pull it off since I had my arm around her and was touching her thigh pretty high, near her vagina. she didn't mind at all.

I gave up and just went back to chatting. Honestly I didn't know how to steer that conversation sexually, maybe that's why my attempts didn't work. There were so many hot women walking around in the park, I was lusting after some of them.

We walked around after that and I took the initiative to plan a second date next week. We hugged and I went to go use the bathroom. I wasn't sad or angry, a little disappointed, sure but I knew I was fine, practice.

I saw this cute Asian girl and I went to approach her. This set was what got me into state. Everything was going perfect. I made her laugh I made great, great eye contact with her. I could feel her being attracted to me, she was giving me things to work with, she was asking me questions. I was in the zone. Is this what great eye contact feels like? It felt like my eyes alone could seduce her. I got her number, effortlessly and moved on.

I approached this hot, super hot Colombian girl. I did a side approach as this random guy was in front, giving me not a lot of room to approach. I didn't want to botch the front approach so I went from the side. Laser eye contact, smile. I got her attention. I went direct and we chatted, she was looking for a juice place. I walked her to the place and went for the number. She had a boyfriend and I promptly told her that her boyfriend can move over, with a smile of course. She laughed and told me if I had Instagram. I said no and said goodbye. Even though I got rejected I felt great.

More and more approaches, focusing on eye contact. I finally decided to head home. I wanted to approach more but I had other things to do. I wanted to get one more approach on the subway platform. I approached this well dressed, gorgeous Asian girl. Maintained eye contact. I felt I saying the right things at the right time. Held eye contact and as the train just came I went for the number close. She hesitated but I gave her my phone for her to type in her number, she did. I said bye. I don't care if the number was fake, I was happy that I went for it.

The last approach for the day was on that subway platform. A beautiful white girl was standing. We made eye contact and I was going to approach her but there was people around her, moving around. After a few seconds and a few people moved I went for it. I locked eyes with her and told her she looked nice. She went red, said thank you and I left.

Today was good. Learned a lot. The date didn't go as planned but that is also a work in progress. I learned so much about eye contact. I'm getting better at it. Just need to keep doing it. I'm debating if I should approach tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to be all day thunderstorms and heavy rain. Day off? I've been approaching women 14 days straight. Maybe approach 5 to not get rusty or just do some "Hit and Runs". Bookstore game maybe? I dunno.