Any post or comment that in any way alludes to the actual identity of any poster will be removed and the user permanently banned. This includes any explicit or vague offers to connect one user to another user outside of reddit. Of course, this does not necessarily apply to anyone that has already made their details public, but we frown on self-doxing, so we prefer we all stay "in character" while on this sub. As usual, ECs get more latitude on this.

I will remove any post that clearly invites this sort of thing. If I believe the post was in good faith, I will explain why and ask you not to do it again. If I believe the post was in bad faith, bye-bye forever. A good example of this is a top post about other posters--past and present. We are here to discuss ideas, not each other. Again, public figures and ECs have more latitude when discussing their own identity.

EDIT: My mistake for not locking the thread. heh