Women cannot be held accountable. The very idea of being held accountable is, to women, horrifying. The above quote is from the top comment (+4200) in an AskReddit thread, which whines as such:

Also, you hate having to initiate with women: I hate that I have to emotionally manage all of my relationships with men. [...] Everything I do near a dude, I'm accountable for, and if someone gets the wrong idea they get to call me a name and blame me for it.

As much as I love accidental honesty, I don't feel like stopping here to circlejerk over another confirmation of what we already know. Bitches confirm RP truths all the time. Let's get some logical analysis going instead:


The Core Statement

I, a woman, should not be held accountable for everything I do near a men

The Equality Implication

If men and women are equals, men should not be held accountable for everything they do around women

The "Conclusion"

Since men can't be held accountable for what they do around women, sexual harassment isn't real


See how quickly I took the premise an proved a feminist-contradictory statement? It wasn't hard. But for women, it's damn near impossible. Why?

Women lack foresight. You need foresight to develop basic logic. You know, the "IF A, THEN B" kind. But if you're a woman, B doesn't exist. Only A exists because A is right now.

Women are not accountable because they live in the now. Like it or not, women did not develop foresight. They lack the agency for such a skill to be useful. Their biology has instead developed skills for attracting a mate who can be responsible for the future on their behalf. Do not lament this reality, but rather, accept it and adapt accordingly.