This post is a spinoff of Archwinger's post, which was inspired by yet another, on the feasibility of LTRs in a TRP perspective. I found the general pessimism striking (even considering the near universal tone here), and from the guys who had actual successful LTRs, the cynicism. Maybe I'm in a different place in my journey, I don't know.

TRP is sexual strategy. Period. You have a sexual goal, you can develop a sexual strategy for that goal here. Doesn't matter what it is. Start here if you think I'm wrong.

Now here's the thing I see so much of: there's a lot of failure (or even the specter of failure), no matter the sexual strategy, because dudes are not accounting for the particular woman in the strategy. Guys have a sexual goal, try out a strategy on just any woman who happens to respond, then wonder why things go south.

In other words, maybe you're with the wrong woman. One of the first things I thought when I started reading this shit was wow, I must be lucky. These guys are hanging with some sluts. And the married guys ended up with some real bitches. Why are you still with her? Am I wrong about this?

Your woman giving you too much shit? Your woman not making herself sexually available? The problem is either her or you. There's no one else involved.

There are millions of decent women out there. And yes, AWALT. But get your shit together and whip her into shape at the same time. You guys who are gnashing your teeth at the impossibility of a good LTR have the entire arsenal of TRP at your command.

Last point, Archwinger was saying "the longer you are with a woman the more you have to work at being her best option" so she doesn't ditch your ass. That has not been my experience. I am sure as fuck not going to say that I am the only dude who can do this with such ease. I have actually worked less and less on the relationship, and as of now, I haven't done shit for my wife in years, and I get everything I want from her.

You don't have to work at a relationship to make it good: you have to work on yourself. And you should be doing that no matter what your relationship status is. All I have to do is stay hot, and in turn, she is motivated to stay hot herself.

Life can be fun; it shouldn't be a lot of drudgery. "Relationships take a lot of work" is some blue pill bullshit. If you're working too hard (and still not succeeding? wtf), you are with the wrong woman.