I am of the opinion that an equalist or an centrist culture is the best for both men and women. But since society hasn't matured enough yet to reach that point, we keep swinging like a pendulum between the idea of a right-wing/patriarchal and a left-wing/feminist/liberal culture.

But between patriarchal vs feministic culture, I feel the latter is fantastic for a high-smv red pilled man. Hypothetically, an equalist/centrist culture would be even better because it would provide all the benefits of feminism minus the shitty parts.

I feel instead of trying to push for patriarchal/right-wing culture, we need to push for a centrist/left culture while staying red pilled ourselves. Like being lions in a world of sheeps.

I come from a equalist/left leaning city in an otherwise right-leaning/patriarchal society and while dating in my city is good, outside of it, it is terrible. And isn't this true for most right leaning places like Middle East or South East Asia? Ask anyone from these countries and they will tell you how bad things are there.

In a lot of patriarchal societys the dating scene is so bad that the parents meet up and set up the marriage with the bride and groom being complete strangers to each other. This still happens in most Muslim countries, Middle East, the entire belt of countries in South East.

In contrast I much prefer feminist cultures like Western Europe, UK and North America, where you can fuck 3 different girls in a week without much effort. Sure the evil aspects of feminism like unjust laws, favoring in divorce cases, etc needs to be curbed. But once that is dealt with, I feel a centrist/left-leaning culture is fantastic.

I ask anyone who disagrees, to state which countries make it easier to date and have sex than North America, UK or Western Europe that aren't ridden with poverty and crime like say Brazil where you can be looted at any given moment on gun-point or where you have no freedom of speech.

I am not a feminist, I am not American, I am not any label. I am just looking for an healthy discussion on this subject and to hear counter views. Cheers