I think it is entirely possible that woman have begun deflecting anger almost entirely towards men online. my theory is because of the level of fake positivity they share with each other in terms of compliments and such. they end up being super worn out and use men as punching bags thereafter. A lot of podcasts are starting to suggest that women are on this constant high of dopamine hits from social media, dating websites etc.they are actively seeking that drug hit by playing virtuous social justice warrior against men because if they were to go against a females suggestion it would be social suicide. Therefore directing their anger towards men while maintaining there online reputation to keep their drugs hits coming is their ideal. I therefore suggest never to get into any form of debate with a woman online as you will face severe algorithms repercussions. the online space favours woman over men in every avenue. When females have this anger brought up in them the place they are most likely to show it is online to a man while maintaining the moral high ground.