I've been this way for as long as I can remember and I want to stop. People have always took it upon themselves to mention my weight. I'm underweight. I feel people think it's acceptable to talk about my body because I'm skinny and skinny is "the standard". Which is definitely not true

In the black community being thick has ALWAYS been the standard and this standard has only gotten more prevalent. I've always wanted to gain weight. But I struggle with ibs so eating is a pain to me. I always feel so ugly because of this. None of my clothes fit and I'm ashamed of my flat behind.

I'm sick of this. I've come to a point where I don't even leave my house because I feel the way I look is unacceptable. I don't want people to see me and notice how gaunt and willowy I look. I don't like it when people grab my arms and tell me things like they could "Break" me if they wanted to.

I just want to live my life and be free from feeling like this. I don't socialize with people that often because of this. And I don't even like going to visit family over this. It doesn't help that I have cripple social anxiety too. I just want to be free and not care so much about what others think. I just want to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see 😔

How do I go about combating this? I can always gain weight but it's a massive struggle. Especially considering I don't know how to cook. I have to deal with being skinny in mean time before I out on weight. But how do I go about living my life when I run away and hide because I don't like how I look right now? I could really use some tips 🥺