So last night my roommate and I decided to have a few people over for some drinks. We didn't want to have anything too crazy, so we decided to only invite five or six people. We started with a few games of beer pong and as the drinks start flowing, my roommate decides she wants more people to come through, and tells me to text some of the girls I work with. So I get a hold of two HB6s from the coffee shop I work at. One of them says shes still at work and can't make it, while the other immediately asks where my place is. I let her know and she rolls through with five or six girls and some guy. By this point we were on the porch playing some drinking card games, and HB6 took a seat next to me at the table. We were all sufficiently drunk, and so we were playing a game that involved a lot of kissing the people who were sitting next to you. All told, I probably kissed HB6 about five times while gradually escalating kino each time. I started with a hand on the arm each time I went in, then upgraded to a hand on the back of the head while holding the kiss slightly longer every time. She was pretty receptive, so when the game finished I invited her to my room to smoke a bowl and she happily accepted. We sat on my bed and started talking and smoking. I can't remember everything that we talked about but I do remember playfully teasing her and she was laughing the whole time she was with me. I gradually escalated kino a little more, moving my hand from her arm to her back, and eventually went in for the kiss. We started making out but she pulled away while saying that we shouldn't because we work together. I tried teasing her by kissing her neck for a little bit and she liked that but still wasn't feeling making out. I playfully teased her a little more, then laughed and said "There's no way you're going to get me to believe that you're not attracted to me." I think she could tell I was being ballsy and seemed impressed. She even laughed and said "I am pretty attracted to you. I bet you get what you want a lot. You're a little too confident." I jokingly thanked her and we kissed for a little longer, then she pulled away and said "I've gotta go meet my friends, but I don't want you to take that as an insult." I told her I wouldn't and let her go back to the party. She hung out for a little but and left with her friends about a half hour later.
All in all, I feel like I did decently. I was maybe a little too heavy on how ballsy I was, but it felt appropriate for the situation. Rather than chasing her and being needy, I made her come to me here and there and generally kept her on her toes.
[–]011191 5 points6 points7 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]TheDMThrowaway[S] 1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]011191 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]You_Guys 1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]TheDMThrowaway[S] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link