Quick notice about me: 18, I'm an extremely confident and cocky guy. I've managed to get girls from places like the gym and tighter locations. The girls I usually have with me are attractive 9s.

On with the story. I'm in line next to a decent looking girl with her friend. I plan to approach her but don't make it a necessity. To my surprise, the girl approaches me and it didn't take me long to figure out that she was attracted.

After getting my food, I went back to my seat. The whole time I can see the girl and her friends eyeing me in positive ways. Throughout the rest of the university day I end up seeing the girl more and more. Each time, she passes me a very welcoming smile.

Yesterday I decided to get her snapchat. She was in a group of 11 or 12 people, I just cut in and bring her out then get the details.

Now the weird thing about all this is that I actually find myself being so fucking nervous around this girl. I'm talking full on, heart thumping voice croaking nervousness. I can only remember feeling like this back in my days before any of this seduction stuff and that's what I simply can't understand. She's quite literally just average looking. I've pulled and dominated girls from my gym who may as well just be attractive 10s and didn't break a nervous sweat at all.

To give you an example of something stupid I did; I was walking out of class with a friend of mine who is a girl. I see the girl i like standing by the door with her friends. I decided to use this moment to talk to her.

I turn to my friend and tell her to hold my bag. I hand her the bag then go over to the girl and ask like 2 or 3 questions then go to back my friend and collect my bag.

What the fuck was that about?

Why am I acting so damn nervous?


So I've gotten answers but what can I do about acting this way?