Just seeking some advice on how to take things from where I got myself.

So to keep it short I've always had an issue with one night stands. I usually have to build up some sort of connection with the girl in order to perform. The word demisexual seems to apply to me. TRP is great in that I can pull more girls, but it does nothing to fix this problem I'm having.

I managed to pull a really hot one. Things went pretty good, got her out, had some drinks, back to my place, then I progressed. I just couldn't it up though. She's hot as hell and... nothing. So I made up some excuse that I don't want to move too fast. Maybe that was the wrong thing to say, I don't know.

So it's been a couple of days and I haven't pressed too hard but all I can think is now I'm just in a provider role, no longer "alpha."

How should I carry things from here? I know I will eventually be able to perform but I need some form of connection which takes time. This happened to three different girls this past year, and I managed to finally have sex with each of them. My excuses were different though: too drunk, got a cramp (just got done with a bodybuilding show/intense diet, so it was actually believable). I think the "just wanna wait" thing was pretty beta. But I'll let you guys be the judge of that. She was definitely wanting it though and I just couldn't.

I swear if I could change this I would in a heart beat but it's always been like this. I don't want to resort to pills. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.