I’ve gone back and forth on whether to post this or not. The sub is growing at an appreciable rate and I get the sense there’s more than a handful of you struggling with the foundational stuff. Welcome aboard, fellas. Hopefully this will be worth your time.

One thing I see missing from a lot of the content here is an appreciation of nuance. There are gradations to most things, sexual marketplace value (SMV) among them. Context is crucial and in the proper (i.e., advantageous) context even a Smurf-blue obese retard can be the “hottest” guy in the room (by comparison).

The four things I’m going to keep drawing your attention to throughout this recounting are:

  1. Masculinity is your best friend when dealing with women.

  2. Hypergamy doesn’t fucking care. See: Briffault’s Law.

  3. Alpha fucks/Beta bucks (AFBB).

  4. Everything flows from inner game.

I can say all this now, years later and miles away. At the time this shit went on I was the Smurf-blue obese retard in question. There isn’t a happy ending here. This is one long teachable moment.

What makes this useful for our purposes is that during an educational situation back in the day I wound up in extremely close contact with three women in three distinct stages of life. Hottie was a post-wall HB8+ who had just hit 40 and still looked fantastic because she put a lot of effort into maintaining it. (You could still tell. Makeup only does so much.) Hottie’s understanding of how the world really works was pretty damn good; she knew her biggest asset was her beauty and she wasn’t letting it go without a fight to the death. Mommy was a married 25 year-old with one kid at home while she worked part-time and attended school. She was cute but chubby and had been that way long enough that she openly pined for the days when she was hot and skinny; she and Hottie liked to compare notes and laugh about the stupid shit men did to get laid. Shorty was 20 years-old, very petite, very cute, and put conscious effort into projecting the classic minister’s daughter “good girl” persona. She knew what an asset her looks were, especially combined with her Golly-gosh-gee-wiz posturing, and played it to the hilt.

I was fat, beginning to lose my hair, and had an abysmal track record with women, which means I had zero game. Zero. What I had going for me physically were the following: I was six feet tall, baritone voice, big shoulders, and facial features once described to me by a physical anthropologist as “caveman sexy”. This is not bragging, this is context. See point #1.

I went into the program with a chip on my shoulder, vowing to never be exploited by a woman again. They only go for assholes I kept telling myself. I’m so kind, I’m so supportive. I act how they tell me to act. Women just don’t want me and I don’t understand why. Sound familiar? So I went into this situation fully intending to avoid making friends of any kind or gender, disgusted with women generally and wearing my contempt openly. My goal was to ace my classes and get a job and anything that didn’t comport with that could die in a fucking fire. In other words I was mission-focused and outcome independent with respect to the women around me. See #4.

As much as I resisted it in the beginning, literally sneering and mocking them along the way, I wound up with Hottie and Mommy as my study buddies. I remember being amazed at how these two otherwise intelligent women (Mommy more so than Hottie; that’s the beauty privilege for ya) just lapped up my shitty behavior. I wasn’t trying to be RP at all, wasn’t trying to fuck them, didn’t want anything to do with them, frankly, beyond asking and answering simple questions about a test date or something similar. And somehow these two broads latched onto me and clung for dear life for two reasons: A) It was immediately obvious who the smart people in class were as well as the dumbasses, and I was at the top of the smart list; B) Not giving a shit what anybody thought and actively seeking to go my own way so as not to be slowed down made me that much more attractive.

In other words, I had something they wanted very badly (my intellectual assets) and not seeking their approval allowed them to convince themselves it was worth that much more precisely because I didn’t give a shit what they thought. That’s what the hamster is at its core: convincing yourself of what you want to believe anyway. (Make no mistake, gentlemen. Men have it to. It's a big reason we stay blue so long.)

Everyone else figured it out pretty quickly too. Poor them, there was only so much room on my ho roster. It’s probably not a shock to learn these chicks started out trying to shit test me, kept trying to break my frame with their bullshit, their drama, their feels. And no matter how much they tried (consciously or otherwise) because I didn’t care I wound up implementing a combination of raw contempt and amused mastery. And they fucking loved it. I was their rock. I was the granite absolute their tsunamis of feels broke against, unweathered and uncaring. Stoicism is where it’s at, fellas. Masculinity is your best friend.

Where does Shorty come in? Sometime after Mommy confessed to me a sex dream of hers where I fucked her up the ass on the hood of her car (this was discussed only when Hottie wasn’t around; see points #2 and #3) and taking a couples yoga class with Hottie (who had a husband and kids of her own by the way) Shorty made some overtures to the girls. I had been openly ogling her and unabashedly flirting precisely because I had no expectation whatsoever that anything would come of it. Even as obvious as these signals are now I didn’t pursue any of it. Too goddamn blue. But she loved the attention from “the best looking guy in the program” (as agreed upon by Hottie and Mommy) who was also managing to carry dumbass, emotional train wreck Hottie through the coursework. Hey, if there’s room on that train why not try to get on? Hypergamy is opportunism writ large.

Shorty was more or less welcomed in after a brief initiation period. Because I was hardcore blue beta coward I never followed through but when an attractive woman is agreeing wholeheartedly with you licking her ass and pointing out there’s a cheap motel nearby, it’s usually a decent indication of interest.

Time passed. I kept being me. We slogged through it together as a “family” of sorts. They called themselves my “wives” openly and proudly. Brought me home cooked food, took turns buying my lunch when we went out. They were the envy of the rest of women in class whereas the men fucking hated me. I could not have cared less because I was still mission-focused with brief detours to stare at the titties on display when they could pretend it was an accident (or not), not unlike the asses rubbed against my crotch on a daily basis. Never, ever break frame.

Since this is running long and I think the context is firmly established I’ll offer some quotes to underscore my points:

“My husband and I got in a fight again last night. He thinks I’m cheating on him with you. Don’t ever let him find out we take that yoga class together, okay?”

“I found out I’m pregnant again! I was talking about it with Hottie. When I start to show we’re going to make sure everyone thinks it’s yours. It’ll be hilarious. We keep talking about that motel all the time anyway.”

“I mean, I haven’t had, like, penis in vagina sex. I’m saving that for marriage because I feel strongly about it. But I see how you look at my ass. There’s other things I like to do.”

Too goddamn blue.

Things went off the rails when my frame broke, weakness was shown, and my assets vanished. What’s relevant to this discussion is that I couldn’t continue in the program for reasons beyond my control and the people I thought were some of my best, closest friends in the world turned their backs on me. They had nothing further to gain from me so I went from one of the most important men in their lives to nobody almost overnight. (I know you guys know that feel.) Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to reach out to them once or twice and I’ve always been puzzled by the hate they feel for me. Well, up until I took the pill. Because now we know women abhor weakness in men. We know that women absolutely fucking despise a “faker” alpha, someone who didn’t come to it naturally and “just gets it,” but who had to exert himself and his mind to be that guy that caused the tingles. Until I took the pill I didn’t know what “You know what you did” meant. Now I know. I’m the asshole because I turned out to be mortal.

Hypergamy does not fucking care. They only love what they get from you or because of you. They will eagerly welcome the dick of a fat, broke, mostly clueless Smurf if they think it’ll solidify their access to something they want/need. Two of these three women had long term commitments (marriage) and children with other men who provided for them and the families they built together. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to conclude that if I had any sort of backbone I’d have been knee-deep in all the debauched sex acts I could get it up for. One final point: If you go through your day focused on what you want and remain unimpressed with female bullshit your world will open up and your options will increase.

Really hope someone gets something worthwhile from this. Y’all take care.