Link to original post

Update to the original post because people wanted to see what happened.

A little context, I am 18, new to TRPm, and at University. She is a year younger in Highschool. In regards to how effective TRP is on girls her age, it works, but it's something they aren't used to for sure.

I matched with this chick, I'd give her an 8, on tinder. I quickly got her number and things were off to a good start. I escalated continuously the first night, quickly getting into intimate territory. I could tell she was loving it and I had her up to 3am staying in the zone of sex/hooking up.

However, as /u/CrimsonCapsule noted, girls from tinder flake very easily. I knew this but foolishly ignored it. I initiated again at about 6 pm the next day, another mistake. The atmosphere was different and forced the conversation to take a path that hard to escalate without coming off as a creep. The conversation didn't advance much, and wasn't as smooth as the first night. It ended with her saying she can drive out to my University the next day. It still was a better than decent interaction, though.

Then comes the text from the original post. She says she "forgot" about work. At first, because of how well the other two encounters have gone and how down she sounded, I thought it was a legit excuse. Maybe not the best of choices, but I used /u/fnordsnord's approach and it went as follows:

Her: So I fucked up.. I just realized I have work today :x

Me: And...?

Her: So I can't come to you today..?

Me: Obviously. What are you gonna do about it?

And then no reply since. As /u/texanwacko said, she didn't reschedule after the "And...?" and instead just turned it back on me.

I should have gone with silence or just a simple "Ok". She knew I had other immediate options that night, so it would have been even more effective.

It was a good lesson to learn, and the moral of the story is that sometimes less is MUCH more. If I hadn't of started conversation on the second day, I might not even have gotten the "I forgot" card. And if I had of gone with the "Ok", she might still be a potential plate.

However, I consider the situation a win as the lessons I've learned from it won't be repeated.

TL;DR Flew too close to the sun and dug my own grave doing so.