So you've got her into your room, shes on your bed and you've done everything right but she wont let you fuck. You push/pull and attempt to escalate once, maybe twice more but she wont let you fuck. Blue balls. You know have 2 choices:

1)"No worries, I'm enjoying our time together." since you're a red pill man and have abundance and one pussy not putting out that night wont get you butthurt. You play it off and enjoy the rest of the evening and maybe you hit her up again a few days/weeks later.

2)"Hey you gotta get your stuff and go." in a cool, calm manner. You kick her out for giving you blue balls since you're not a fan of LMR. Fuck what she thinks if you're butthurt or not, you just wont tolerate a chick playing fort Knox at the last minute and giving you blue balls. Proceed to call another plate/game other women.

What's the play here? Leaning towards #1 but interested to hear the thoughts.