I'm going to keep this brief. I went over to asktrp and it didnt seem that this would belong there since it relates more to RP theory than anything else.

As a child i was an avid writer. The best in my class. Teachers submitted my writing to various competitions, and I won a few awards. Small potatoes given that they were childhood acchievements. As quickly as I had taken to writing, so too did I become frustrated with it and eventually stopped around mid highschool.

The thought I kept having was that "I cant write characters, I dont understand how a person is supposed to act". The issue that I was having revolved around congruence. Now we get to the TRP part. I, like many other millenials, attended a public school that was rife with BP ideology. Sharing, putting others first, not being bossy. You know the drill. The idea that there isnt any difference between men and women, that we're supposed to think of all people as equal, I believe, was a major hindrance to my understanding character dynamics, social situations etc.

The more I become aware of different character archetypes, the more I learn about social dynamics, the more confidently I can answer the question "what does this character do next? What is their motivation?" TRP is making me want to try writing again

I used to be obsessed with RomComs and Michael Cera style indie movies about teen angst and manic pixie dream girls. I used to live vicariously through that shit because it pandered to my bluepill sensibilities. "omg michael cera is a scrawny, awkward dude like me and look he's getting girls" shit was actually comforting to me.

So to wrap this up, what Im really saying is that bluepilled individuals are very limited in their understanding of human social dynamics, and therefore are illequipped to put forth any works wherein the characters actually resemble human beings. I believe as a nice guy I was very good at writing nice guys, but to step outside of that I would be lost. I could only write women as unicorns, or background objects. The bluepill is toxic to storytelling

Edit: as a whole I dont know if this article had as much purpose as I had hoped. Currently it serves only to highlight an area outside of sexual strategy wherein TRP has been useful to me. It would be better if I related it to the cumulative effect that ideologies can have. Like how heavy metals accumulate in fish, as each new generation digests the ever more bluepilled media of the one previous to it, we cuck ourselves harder and harder as a society.

Art imitates life as much as life imitates art. I dont want to come across as being ignorant of survival bias, however there has been a definite decline in the quality of mainstream entertainment since I was a child and even beforeI was born. I dont think it can entirely be chalked up to me growing up and my tastes maturing either. Im not the first to say this either. The transition from rugged male heroes to bumbling, beta-bucks dads in terms of how the media portrays men should be apparent to us all.

Bloops that dont understand the real world, create worlds of their own, through art, that influence younger generations to see the world as those bloops have painted it. Fantasy becomes "reality."