One of the more effective Blue Pill tactics is to convince you of how the world "should be." Being nice "should" be rewarded. Thinking about others in addition to yourself would be a great way for a society to function.

Additionally, being "nice" actually feels good. It feels good to help other people out - and it makes you feel good about yourself. It feels good to be able to help the needs of others. However - being nice all the time is a weakness. Why? Other people are not nice. They have their own interests in mind. This is because there's a finite amount of resources in the world.

Having been nice as my default for so long meant it was no longer a choice - it was a habit. And a liability.

It's important to remember that other people are not nice. Even though it seems counter intuitive. Even when they act in a way that might be at the expense of themselves.

They're not nice to you.

They have their own interests in mind. They're not nice to you.

Niceness is a choice. They're not nice to you.

It's a big city and I am from a small town. They're not nice to you.

Protect yourself. They're not nice to you.

You might get screwed over in this business deal. They're not nice to you.

Women are always at risk for cheating. AWALT. They're not nice to you.

You are fundamentally alone in the world. They're not nice to you.

They're not nice to you. They're not nice to you. They're not nice to you.

All this isn't to say don't be nice. But - if you're operating under the consistent assumption that everyone will be nice to you because you're nice to them, you're in for a rude awakening.