Most recent post from the journal. This is the entire post, you can read the rest @ The Family Alpha

QUESTION: Do you know what feminazis and white knights really, really fucking hate?

ANSWER: When their position is questioned.

I have learned through my own experiences and the stories I’ve read on the Manosphere that whenever an ‘accepted’ belief is challenged, people get bent the fuck out of shape. So as I lay awake, pondering what can be done to save masculinity both in marriage and as a whole, it is clear that at the least, the one action that must be taken by all hands involved, is asking the questions. I used to be a very religious person, then I began to ask questions, from there I went on my own personal journey from which I came out a ‘humanist’ of sorts.

As I am walking this journey of spreading the message of embracing masculinity (vice repressing it) I’ve realized that I need to follow this same course of action. We all need to be asking questions.

  • Why do men get the raw end of the deal in divorce?

  • Why do we teach boys and girls in the same manner?

  • Why are boys told that their natural tendency of being sexually charged, competitive, and aggressive are bad things that should be repressed?

  • Why are women given a pussy pass time and time again?

  • Why are men painted as rapists/oppressors/abusers when they say they enjoy sex/fighting/competing?

  • Why are there no spaces that are ‘men only’?

  • Why do men pay the bill, hold the door, lay down their jacket, & sleep on the couch?

  • Why have men become so sad and pitiful?

  • Why is it called a ‘DadBod’?

  • Why aren’t men entitled to a paternity test on birth?

These are but a few questions that will lead to other questions, so on and so forth. As you ask yourself these ‘Whys’ recognize two things.

  • Until there is a shift in support of the female imperative, this is our reality and you must not balk but rather find a way to make this knowledge work to your advantage. Appreciate the gift provided by The Manosphere – The gift of knowledge and awareness. You are armed with the understanding of how and why things are operating in the manner they do – exploit that.

  • This is not the result of women or feminism – what we are dealing with is the direct result of some white knights who have been looking to gain favor with women on a grand scale. Some dickhead somewhere wants to put women into combat roles so he can say See ladies, I’m a ‘Nice Guy’ and I support women when in actuality he is going to get them killed as well as the men they serve with. The military is but one example – look at how widespread the female imperative has spread. It is in every facet of society and has led to all of the questions I asked above.

The next time you are dealing with an individual who is pushing the agenda of women, just ask the question. Also, do so in a masculine manner, ask the question with overt communication – straight forward, confident, maintaining eye contact, and with a posture that says – Answer Me. It is very rare for anyone to challenge anyone else nowadays, especially in person. We have keyboard warriors out the ass – but challenge accepted thoughts in person – watch them quake.

In order for masculinity to spread, men must embrace their masculine nature. In order for the ripple effect to occur, the knowledge must spread. How do you spread knowledge, you discuss it. For me, it was this blog – the written word. For you, maybe you ask the question, as innocent as it seems, but you do so in a place where you know other men will hear you. You plant the seed in their mind and when they go home, they ponder your question – they wonder, ‘Yeah, why the fuck is it called a ‘DadBod’ I’m a Dad and I look…oh fuck, well maybe I have a little weight to lose, but the wifey doesn’t like muscles she said..wait ..she did fuck me hard after watching Magic Mike XXL…’ Boom! That man has started the process of finding his way to embracing his masculine nature.

Instead of standing by and allowing this bullshit to continue unchallenged, take a stand in a tactful manner. Don’t get up and throat punch the ‘teacher’(society), just disrupt the class (fellow citizens) by asking the question Why?

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