Summary: It is no secret, guys of various minority groups want to get hot white girls. Now I talk about the various reasons why guys of minority groups want white women and the big question we should ALL be asking.

Where the white women at?

Whether it is black, Asian, Indian, Hispanic, and especially Arab/Middle Eastern guys, guys that are not white want to get with white girls. Now I discuss why the reasons for that are AND the BIG question everyone should be asking. Here is why guys of minority groups living in the USA want to get with white girls:

  • 1. Sometimes, you don't have many options! The hot girls are usually all white and guys love hot girls ya know. -

Minority at a party school? Most of the girls, especially the hot ones you run into, will all be white. Minority living in the better part of town? Most of the hot girls you run into at bars are going to be white. Minority "moving up"? Get ready to run into a lot of white girls!

If you decide to take Stormfront's advice to "stick to yer own kind", you're really fucking up your own odds while maybe 5% of the hot girls you run into aren't white in a given area. Don't listen to the crap about the white race going extinct, the United States is still mostly white, the wealthier parts of it even more so. Go out to any of the major bars where the parties are going down or any affluent area of the USA, most of the hot girls there are mostly going to be white. Unless you're in Atlanta which has plenty of hot black girls, San Francisco which has a lot of hot Asian girls, or Miami which has plenty of hot latinas, you would be making what is objectively a bad decision by excluding white girls.

  • 2. They grew up white. -

They had white friends, did white hobbies, and grew up around whites. So while their friends were seeing Playboy issues with hot blondes on the cover, that is what the guy saw as hot. Basically, these guys grew up white to the point that they were not as readily accepted by women of their own minority group because they were "too white" in the way they acted. To these guys, that is what they are the most familiar with but of course on the outside, they still look non-white. I know it is a foreign concept if you've been browsing internet forums for a long time but whites and people of minority groups do make real friends with each other. Unfortunately, what is on the outside matters too when it comes to race and I will get more into that in a future post.

  • 3. "What's wrong with women of your race?" -

Well that can be a topic on its own can't it? We can talk about how Asian, Latina, and Indian American women are absolutely thirsty for white dick. Try being a latino in Miami, you have a way better shot of landing that redhead 8 than that latina 8 who wants to whiten up her gene pool by getting with a blonde hair blue eyed white guy. Now bashing white guys is practically a crime in red pill communities but the media (run by whites!) and colonialism did their part to brain wash women of minority groups into hating themselves. TBH, it has worked quite well, just look at the countless Asian girl and white guy couples that exist in the USA (by far the most common interracial pairing, which I will get to later), don't see the white nationalists getting too riled up about that. Hmm, I wonder why!

The truth is, guys of minority groups literally ruin themselves in by exclusively dating women of their own race. As a matter of fact, just look at the situation with Asian American men who are practically forced to be bateaux if they get with Asian American women. The same women who are aggressively ridiculing men of their own race, openly expressing a preference for other races without any sense of racial loyalty that the white males on TRP expect from white females (which we will get to later), and quite frankly, it is practically a mismatch waiting to happen (a high SMV Asian American dude going for a post wall Asian American girl).

  • 4. It's a validation thing too. -

Guys, we want what is considered the best and in the USA, whether you agree with it or not, hot blondes are pretty much the standard of "American" beauty. Just like white guys want hot girls and arm candy, same is true for guys of minority groups. I mean lets face it, who wouldn't want to fuck a Megan Fox or a young Jenna Jameson? You're a man, it is in you to want to fuck attractive women. I am pretty sure that there are women of minority groups most white guys on TRP, even the ones angry at minorities wanting white girls, will gladly fuck.

------ All that being said, here is the big question we should ALL be asking ourselves. ----

Why is it a HUGE deal if a guy of a minority group wants to get hot white girls but not nearly as big of a deal if a white guy wants to get with hot girls of a minority group?

White guy wants to (and does) fuck a hot latina or a hot Asian girl? No problem! Guy of a minority group wants to (and does) fuck a hot blonde? Almost everyone loses their shit!

Notice how it is perfectly okay for a white guy to say that he prefers Asian girls or girls of a minority group but the second a guy of a minority group says he loves hot blondes, there is a major problem? Even on a place as big on brotherhood and helping all men as TRP is, it is a huge problem. I am saying right now, there will NEVER be a post on TRP that tells Asian guys how to fuck hot blondes. Even if it was legit, there would be such an uproar over it.

It isn't just white guys either, women of minority groups are also some major hypocrites themselves. Latinas will gladly get a blonde hair blue eyed husband and do it without any guilt but the second a latino guy gets with a hot blonde? Now they're all about "Hispanic pride" and tempers are flaring.

The truth is, minorities getting hot white girls is STILL a "new" concept while white guys with girls of minority groups has been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years.

There is nothing "progressive" about white guys dating girls of minority groups because it has been going on for a long long time, I mean hundreds of years. Guys of minority groups dating hot white girls? Now that is "new" and "progressive". Only now has it even started to become somewhat close to common. Even then, you don't really see hot white girls with guys of minority groups here in the USA because it is the kind of interracial relationship that is actually taboo. The thought of a Brooklyn Decker lookalike fucking an Indian dude (no matter how high of an SMV) is something that would send chills down the spine of the majority of Americans.

Now will it ever be as accepted as a white guy dating an Asian girl? Probably not. I think that American society will ALWAYS look down on good looking white girls that date other races whether it is a black, latino, asian, or Indian guy. It is a part of the reason why the red pill loses its shit over discussions that revolve around minorities getting white women and why most on here are highly against giving advice to minorities on how to get with hot white girls, because the fact is, most just do not want to see it happen.

Lessons learned:

Minorities have many reasons to prefer white women, most of them revolve around: availability (just more hot white girls available), ethnic women being crazy self-haters, growing up around whites, and validation (we all want to fuck hot girls). The reason it is a huge deal when minorities go for hot white girls is because it is relatively new. White guys have been getting with women of minority groups for hundreds of years, minorities with white women is still a very new thing. Not just white guys but women of minority groups hate it equally as much when guys of minority groups go for white girls, despite the fact that these same women will readily jump on a white guy.