
Game is the knowledge of how to control perception.


Long ago there were people who figured out the way perception manifested in the human mind. These people developed a sort of science of the mind where all possible variations could be understood within a single framework. I call this the "Rubik's Cube" but it has been know historically as the hebrew Torah.

Masculine Polarity

To keep this story short when a man achieves masculine polarity he has acquired the knowledge of Game and has learned the equivalent of the Torah in their subconscious mind. Some are naturals who need no instruction while others need a little guidance and yet still many more are incapable of understanding even when taught. This mostly breaks down to the 20%/80% rule where the 20% that master Game tend to become rulers and the 80% are follower beta slaves.

Game is central to the family.

One cannot have a cohesive family without shared perception. It is the task of the Alpha male who acts as the owner of the family to create the perceptions through the skilled use of Game to create the reward and punishment system within which the family operates. To those of us that grew up in a Game aware household this can work so well that it's difficult to even explain it to those unfamiliar with the concepts. (broken familes)


Game is everything.

Masculine polarity is simply using Game to create the family perception of reality which brings about cohesion.

We live in a time of significant ignorance and active destruction of the family by psychopathic globalists who know all about Game. So it's a difficult time spiritually. This does not change the truth of the "Rubik's Cube" since it is eternal.