

Women use the ASD rhetoric of 'hygiene' for why they are Brazillian waxing themselves starting from teen years.

But the real reason they do so is because that's what men want so they groom accordingly.


[62%] of a nationally representative sample of 3,316 women said they opted for complete removal of their pubic hair; [84%] reported some grooming.

But while previous research showed that women groom to facilitate sexual activity, this survey found the overwhelming majority said they did so for hygiene ... That perception troubled researchers.

Pubic hair functions as a protective cushion for sensitive skin, and has its own hygienic purpose, trapping bacteria and preventing it from entering the vaginal opening.


Watch what they do. Not what they say.


The state of women's sexual proclivities in America today is so geared towards one goal (cc riding) that the image of a porno video vagina/anus is cemented in their psyche as the status quo; regardless if it has any actual benefit or determent to their 'hygiene'

Lessons Learned:

As a corollary to the above percentages, we might be able to use the 62% & 82% figures to devise a heuristic of sorts to help us remember what percentage of American women can be categorized as:


% Rule-of-Thumb number of Women .. .. are categorized as ...
62% (2 of 3) CC riding AWALTs
84% - 62% = 22% (~1 in 5) LTR material
100% - 84% = 16% (1 in 6) 'other'

Note: This is not a one-to-one mapping of level of shaved pubes = level of cc rider.