I just replied to a post where a referenced a scene from the HBO movie series Band of Brothers. Based on a true story / actual facts.

I'd provide the clip, warning though, it's over 8 minutes long, but worth watching, especially when you feel stuck. Half way through is where the Alpha takes over for the Beta.


It goes to show what happens when you are scared and GAF, freeze in fear, compared to not being scared and DGAF (Ronald Speirs)


If someone told me to give an example of the most extreme Alpha male I could give, it would be this guy. At the 6:00 mark is why, and this wasn't any Hollywood movie bullshit, this actually happened.

Guys like him seem to have an aurora around them where their confidence and DGAF attitude almost makes them seem invincible at times. And you wonder why women get the tingles from guys like this?