Background: I'm a 23M and up until discovering TRP recently I was fat, socially awkward and poorly groomed for most of my life. The last 3 months have essentially been monk mode for me in that I've been hitting the gym, working on my skin/fashion/hair, cutting off toxic friends and trying to improve all areas of my life. I took a year out of uni to do a work placement so I'm now in my final year with a new cohort. I barely know anybody at uni now and I'm off all social media so I've got no social proof. I go out frequently to do things by myself and keep a positive mindset.

Problem: I feel like I'm finally getting noticed by women and getting eye contact but have no idea how to respond. I automatically react by quickly looking away because I've been invisible to women for years and conditioned accordingly. I also have no idea how to approach despite reading countless TRP posts. In my mind I'm still the fat guy that would make a girl feel awkward and repulsed.