TL;DR: Hooked up with my best friend’s oneitis in front of him and our entire group of friends.

I’ll try to keep this short and sweet.

A little background, we’re all military. This new girl came to our unit and I thought she was cute but I don’t like to shit where I eat, and the military is a prime example as to why you shouldn’t mix business with pleasure. Anyways, my best friend ignored all signs and pounced on her immediately. Only thing is, she merely saw him as an orbiter, she’s strung him along for almost a year with just flirting via text, hanging with each other all day at the unit, all they’ve done is kiss once or twice at most. She’s even told him not to see other girls! Which he fucking listened to! This entire time I’ve been telling him to just leave her alone because she’s not interested and only playing him, but she’s got him by the balls and he won’t listen to me.

Anyways, getting on with it. This past weekend was the first time I’ve seen her since I’ve come back from deployment so she doing the whole “heyyyy omg I missedddd youuuu” thing, which we just talked cordially because she’s a chill girl and I just see her as a friend. Later that night we all went out to the bars with our little group and my best friend. She had him by the balls once again and was telling him all sorts of shit in his ear like “I really wanna be with you, I just can’t right now.”

A “few” drinks later and she comes up to me and asked if I wanted to go out and smoke with her, so I did because a cig sounded nice in my current state. We go out and smoke and shoot the shit. She’s all like, “why are you such a fucking asshole? You give off this vibe where you act like you don’t give a fuck about anything but yourself.” I just replied, “because I don’t.” Then she looks directly into my eyes and she was like, “don’t get a big ego about this, but I’m really into you.” Then she leans in and kisses me. We make out (because fuck it, why not), but unfortunately another friend saw us, he didn’t say anything to group at the time, but word got out yesterday and my best friend was told what happened. He asked me point blank, “bro, did you guys make out last night?” I just said, “yeah man, sorry about that.” He said it was cool, but he blew her phone up crying and asking how she could do that to him.

He’s still cool with me, and she’s been hitting me up since that night basically saying she’s down to fuck. I’m having a tough time deciding what I want to do. On one hand, that’s my fucking boy and I feel like I already violated bro code by hooking up with this girl. On the other hand, she’s hot and I wanna fuck. Gents, I need guidance.

(Sorry for the wall of text)