Female Friends and The Depravity of Errol Flynn

3 points7 commentssubmitted by dusara217 to r/asktrp

Can purely Platonic friendships between men and women be as strong as purely male friendships?

Errol Flynn was one of the most sexually successful (and simultaneously miserable) actors to ever make it to Hollywood. He fucked his way across half the British empire before making his way to England and subsequently beginning his career as an actor. He married (and divorced) multiple women over the course of his life, and bedded hundreds of women over the course of his marriages. Female co-stars in his movies would often fall in love with him merely from working alongside him, regardless of whether or not he tried to seduce them. He is perhaps the most prominent rake of the last hundred years. In addition to this, he was left utterly destitute after he was forced to pay millions in alimony to his numerous wives that refused to relent from sucking him dry of everything he owned.

Despite the fact that Flynn was robbed blind and screwed over by nearly every wife he had, and despite the fact that he expressed his own belief that women were the cause of nearly all of his miseries in life, he expressed a strange sentiment that would seem to contradict his seeming hatred of women.

In his own words:

I learned, when the cards were down, who were my friends and who were not - and these were. Women make better friends than men: good, really honest friends. When the going is tough, give me a woman for a friend. If they happen to care for you, they will go farther than any man.

Thus my question is this: what would the Red Pill have to say about friendships between men and women? Is Flynn right - do women make the best and most loyal friends, or are genuine friendships between men and women even possible?

Edit: The quote is taken from his autobiography "My Wicked, Wicked Ways."