
Questioning: Why? Will disarm, dismantle and destroy most people's behavior, beliefs and emotions. Make sure yours can stand up to Why?


Simply put most people can't defend their positions versus a few levels of Why? With the sheer amount of information out there everyone's an expert because they've read a couple articles from some professional about a topic. They devoured the material with the intent of regurgitating the information later on. They didn't take the time to think, actually digesting the information, applying it through action in their own lives.

It's not just on estranged topics. They have no reasoning for life long moral codes, political opinions, societal views, daily habits and behaviors. Basically, the majority of what makes up your average person; beliefs, emotions and actions, exists without much thought. The entirety of their existence cannot survive a couple rounds of Why?

By now you should be picturing that five-year-old questioning their parents with genuine curiosity, Well why Mommy? Ohhhh, why's that Mommy? Because why Mommy? Because why? Eventually the parent's patience and knowledge of the random topic is tested, Just because!

Turns out most people last as long as the typical mother or father being questioned by their five-year-old kid.Three to six Why?s and logic disintegrates into just because and feelings.

One of my main plates essentially gave up complaining to me about my poor behavior. She hates arguing with me because I make her feel wrong. I'm not explaining away my behavior. All I'm doing is asking Why it's upsetting to her? After a few minutes of listening and questioning it always ends the same; Well it just bothers me; I don't know why. Meaning she's realized her anger is unjustified. Doesn't stop her from being katty but it ends the conversation.

Ohh really why's that? Is also a great way to keep a conversation flowing. Most the time people are talking to you, they don't actually want or need your opinion, they want someone to talk at. Just ask them questions about the topic and they'll be exstatic.

You should also be questioning your actions, emotions and beliefs, not with a quality of doubt but with that childlike curiosity described above.

Questioning your actions; Why am I doing this? can rationalize in the moment behaviors if you can attribute them to long term goals or stop an action that might hinder obtaining your goal. Take a more analytical view of your actions; Why am I performing X like Y? Allows you to take a closer look at functions of a repetitive task, keeping the goal in mind, you can pinpoint certain aspects of the task to perform faster, with better form, ease, efficiency and ergonomics. You can move in confidence if you can answer to yourself, Why you're performing and acting with certain intent?

Questioning your emotions; Why am I feeling angry? Because of X. Well, why is X upsetting? X is upsetting because it triggers Y. Why is Y triggering? With this line of thought you can rationalize away anger. By that I mean the majority of the time you, yourself end up at a just because. Realizing it's not really worth getting bothered about, helps you react with a cool head. Most negative emotions can be rationalized away like this. Especially dealing with women, you getting upset with her is futile. Check your ego. Hos will be hos.

You can also question away your positive emotions. Asking, Why does this make me happy? Will do one of two things, the first, you might realize the action/behavior doesn't actually make you happy. It could be the people or you could just be doing it out of habit. Having out grown the joy it once brought you.

The other way it can go, if you really do enjoy what's going on, you figure out why you enjoy it. Again giving you an area to fixate on. Once you can pick out what and why you enjoy, you start developing taste. If you know you like X, Y and Z about A, when looking for B you can use X, Y and Z as qualifiers. Flip it, if you know you don't like Q about A, B must not have Q. You now have standards.

Questioning; Why do I believe X? can help prevent you from believing something stupid all your life. Turns out you're miss guided, you were miss informed, held a false belief or just didn't know. When you question your beliefs and can continuously answer yourself, Why you're living life this way? With sound, reassuring logic, you build confidence in the way you're living. Not just that but by continually questioning your beliefs, you expand and develop them further.

I don't know, is much more respectable than just because or feelings. It takes responsibility for the lack of knowledge and understanding. If it's of value to you, you'll find the answer.

In Conclusion:

Questioning a person with Why? ends pretty quickly in feelings and just because.

Questioning your own actions allows you to move with confidence and improve your overall performance.

Questioning your emotions can help keep them in line by rationalizing momentary feeling.

Questioning why you enjoy or do not enjoy can help develop taste and standards.

Questioning your beliefs oand long-term goals can help you live in confidence by strengthening them through development.