
Try not to judge the age of my account, I've been on TRP for a long ass time and have posted under multiple names on Reddit. Reason is because I'm a paranoid fucker and don't want internet sleuths finding me.

I'm in my mid-20's. I live in China and have been here for about three years. This year I've finally decided to head back home. Why?

China is a brutal place. No it's not like Japan with used underwear machines and robots everywhere. It's a place with heavy handed government controls, fake products including the food you eat, pollution and a nationalist population who hate your guts more with each growing day.

Living here has perks in the way of n-count increasing tenfolds, making great money and getting into interesting experiences. That's not what I want to talk about though.

Before I moved here I was doing okay. I had no real reason to even make the move because I had a nice comfortable job at a decent tech firm and I'd occasionally fuck a cute girl. But that wasn't enough.

I could see the path of my life laid out in front of me. It was going to continue in an extremely predictable way and most importantly, I had little control over it. I just went with the flow that others expected of me and had little internal narrative or 'frame' to guide me.

Now? After three years of getting my ass kicked in a number of high-stress events, I am different. This makes me believe that the life we have in the West is ridiculously easy and that's why there are so many idiots running around creating imaginary problems. That's also why I'm going back, I appreciate my Western life more than anything now and want to fight for it from the elites fucking it up.


Let me list a number of topics and what I've learnt from applying TRP in a high stress environment. I'm not most concise writer so if you get a headache then pardon me.

Dealing with people

Most of my old friends back home barely recognise me from the way I speak to them. In every interaction I lead the conversation and decide which way it will go. Before I was 'easy-going' and happy to do anything that others wanted. Now my time is limited, I have things I like doing and in certain ways. If those requirements can't be fulfilled then good-bye, see you another time, I'm going to find other people to chill with.

The reason is because here there are very few people you can trust. Mainland Chinese are some of the most dishonest fuckers you'll ever meet and they'll find creative ways to screw you for their benefit. People here I thought were my friends were in fact great at sweet-talking and making you feel special. So yes, I got burnt a lot.

That widened my eyes to the numerous manipulations you may endure from people who you think are your friends or allies. The truth is most people come into your life out of convenience and you keep in touch out of nostalgia. The same goes for family to a lesser degree. There are extremely few people in this life that you can trust and you should not open your hand to anyone without serious vetting i.e. shit tests.

Of course you shouldn't let that stop you from relationships with other people but you need to be aware that it's all mostly a trade. You bring something to the table and so do they. Once you understand that then bedding women is easy. You give women tingles and they give you pussy.

Having all this in mind I find I'm a much more humorous and confident person. Shit tests barely register. I'm happy being in my skin and because IDGAF I do what I want and expect nothing from others. This has made me more of an asshole but ironically it's also made me more likeable as a person too.


I started lifting and the confidence boost after was huge. So huge that I didn't realise how shit my form was doing the heavy compound lifts. Yes, my body was getting destroyed but I couldn't tell because I was too busy getting an ego boost. Eventually I herniated two discs in my back during a 160kg conventional deadlift (I completed it for two reps in sheer agony).

I'll talk about that later but I want to say that despite numerous people including doctors telling me not to continue lifting, I still lift to this day. Yes there are huge risks for someone in my position. One mistake with form will tweak my back and take me back to the drawing board. Of which I've done several times by the way. I don't care, I will still lift heavy.

Some people went half-way and said I could lift but I should only stick to low weight high rep bodybuilder routines. No, I'll still lift heavy. I don't care about getting ripped abs, I want to be strong and feel testosterone cruising through my veins after a heavy squat session.

This is how much of an impact lifting has had. The struggle of getting those sets complete at the end of the day where you're utterly exhausted from work and other responsibilities. Where you're on that last rep and you feel you're about to be crushed by weight because it's so damn heavy and you give it your all WHILST still keeping form. That shit builds unquantifiable confidence outside of the gym.

And that is why everyone should lift heavy weights because if there was a panacea for blue pill behaviour lifting heavy weights would be it. It isn't about the abs or the guns those are just the bonuses. The true fruits of your labour is the disciplined mindset you've cultivated from the pain and suffering that the iron will inflict. The next time you get a shit-test or a girl rejects you, the embarrassment of that will just bounce off you because you're tempered by the iron and DGAF.

Going through struggles

Life in China is hard but when you first arrive it's amazing. Everything is fascinating, people give you so much attention because you're foreign and the girls can't get enough of you. The last part I cannot stress enough. You have to be pretty autistic not to get laid out here because it's swarming with cute girls who want your seed inside them.

But it all quickly fades into the background. You find out the people only like you because they can exploit you, deep down they think you're barbarian scum and find ways to make your life unnecessarily difficult. Getting laid is great but the girls are extremely shallow and naive about the rest of the world. In truth they want to be with you largely for money, social status, foreign passport and a mixed baby. Once you go through the carousel you find they're all pretty much like that.

And let's not even get into the pollution which is hideous. The fake products that find their way into the food and water, secretly causing you cancer. The social isolation of being stranded with dishonest people and other foreigners who leave the country as quickly as you befriend them. Not to mention the government which censors everything making you feel paranoid in case they one day come and kidnap you for saying something on the internet.

Yep, you end up with your ass kicked mentally as a result and have your frame tested on levels you never thought possible. Now let's also add in a herniated disc and the horrific pain that comes with that. Holy fuck that's something I'll never wish on anyone even on my worst enemy. The pain is so bad you can't even sit down cos it gets worse and at times you can't even sleep cos you're writhing in your bed.

For a long time I couldn't lift because of that. Damn that was a shit time. In agony in a foreign land and watching your gains fly out the window... But still I healed myself and realised I'm not genetically gifted but fuck it. So I worked on fixing my form and later next month I'm going to see a specialist coach in Korea to get my form even more on point.

But for one second I don't regret what I've experienced because it's smelt me into a man. You need to face the obstacles that are ahead of you and take them down. It's the only way to grow and have a life worth living. You have to get out of your comfortable life of Netflix and video games to realise what is your purpose in this life.

I know others on this board have had other experiences that have given them similar viewpoints. Listen to them and embrace the life of pain. That's the only way you can be a man.


I could write a shit tonne more but I'll stop with everyone's favourite topic.

Girls are easy especially in this day and age. They're literally out there waiting for you to pick them up and bed them. I won't repeat what's already on the sidebar but again, you have so many tools to get laid it shouldn't even be a worry to you. Read the sidebar and learn game until you live and and breathe it. There is no excuse.

Lifting weights whilst essential in my opinion isn't enough. You need to understand game and by extension how to be Machiavellian. Game helps you in ways you never knew and it can change everything in your non-dating life too.

If you're having spectacular trouble getting laid then come out to Asia. I wouldn't recommend coming to China unless you just want to travel. Life here is too hard. However I've heard good things about Thailand, Vietnam, Korea and Japan and Taiwan. Don't forget Latin American countries too.

Girls hypergamy isn't as developed in these countries and that's why a neckbeard could easily get laid out here as long as he has logistics. The girls just care that you can take them out of their shithole existence to something better. That said, I'm strongly against sexpats especially those who come to 'teach' English. They just happen to be the worst of human scum I've met and give foreigners a bad name.

Despite not coming here to get laid, I went from having my n-count on one hand to solid double digits. And now I'm done with that life. It's out of my system and I feel so relaxed because I don't regret not doing the things you see in movies. Currently I'm in an LTR where I am very much the captain steering the ship, something I could never have managed with my old life.

I strongly believe every man just needs to be with women for long enough until they demystify them from their blue pill program. How do you do that? You fuck as many as possible until you're bored.

If your game isn't yet good enough then get hookers especially the more expensive ones. Get them enough times until it gets boring. You'll find normal girls are no longer imposing when you've tagged a fine piece of porn-star quality ass. You actually learn game passively through fucking them too.

Anyway if you're lifting and doing things with your life you'll find girls will be attracted naturally. Just make sure when they are you escalate by taking them to your home and fucking them. Don't hold their hands and stare at the stars. Your goal should be to put your penis in them in the most efficient way possible. That's all, leave the romantic shit for LTR's.

In short don't worry about girls. Study game and practice on the field. You will face rejection many times. But that's fine, keep at it eventually you will succeed and those successes will accumulate.


I hope that's been helpful. These are just some of the things I've learnt. I'll post here more often if I can because TRP has made my life better. So goddamn it read the sidebar and start lifting.

And merry Jesus's birthday.