This was actually trending on Twitter earlier. I'm re-posting this from the Left Wing Male Advocates sub.

This is both ridiculous and blatantly misandrist. Just imagine the uproar there'd be if #MakeaWomanAngryIn5Words was trending, it'd immediately be decried as misogynistic and action would be promptly taken to stop it from trending. But as usual it's okay for men to be hated on with hashtags like this. I'm sick of this divisive, hateful BS. If anyone needed any proof that misandry is seen as something socially acceptable in society and not seen as a problem when it's just as bad and unacceptable as misogyny, this is it among several other things. This is every bit as bad, bigoted and wrong as if the hashtag mentioned women. You know for a fact if it mentioned women the uproar would be tremendous, and rightfully so. It should be just as much for men but as usual, no action being taken because of how acceptable misandry has become in recent years. I'm so fed up of it.