I stumbled upon this kind of good article about the problem of some men not wanting to get married and how they try to trick women into less commitment. It's written from a Christian perspective, but their are definitely some FDS aligning principles. Of course, one thing I disagree with it about is trying to convince non-marriage wanting men to change their views. It's definitely better to block, delete, and move on. Interesting read though 🤷♀️
Some quotes from the article: "Anticipating failure, they seek to downgrade the expectations of both themselves and women. Abandoning rituals and vows provides the freedom to try living together under conditions of much less risk. So, they argue for less responsibility on their shoulders by using the irrelevant to defend their arguments."
"If he belittles the marriage certificate, respond with something like this: Do you use contracts in your business work? No? Do other people? Does it help to negotiate expectations? Does it keep deals acceptable to both sides? Without a contract with your wife, what will shape your conscience so you don’t bully or brutalize her? Your love? Which kind? Lust? Infatuation? Romantic love? Enduring love? Don’t know the difference? Don’t know where one begins and the other ends? Then, just what value should a woman put on your personal responsibility when you proclaim whatever kind of love it is that you proclaim?"
"Don’t let them get by with rationalizing social and domestic values out of the hands of females. They are pullusfimi* and should not be allowed to command any respect in female company. If they can’t be dismissed from your company, then excuse yourself. It takes radical and sometimes exhaustive female behavior to shock some sense into wimp egos. (They may act or be alpha males, but in their hearts they know they’re wimps on the subject discussed here.)"
[–]Sage_PlanterFDS Disciple 119 points120 points121 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]edelbiatchFDS Newbie 29 points30 points31 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]TikiTikiTata-chalalaFDS Newbie 32 points33 points34 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]FDSfollower1FDS Newbie 10 points11 points12 points (0 children) | Copy Link