A lot of guys seem to get hung up on a lot of complicated theories and rules when it comes to MRP. I'm not saying those complications are all wrong, but it's nice to have a few simple principles to fall back on. In that spirit, I offer the following distillation of the essential principle not only of MRP, but of male attraction in general:

A man is attractive if he is strong and will use that strength to protect you.

That's it. Everything else is just details and variations. The biological basis for this rule is self-evident. In a dangerous world, nothing is more valuable than having someone on your side who is strong and will protect you. It's not just women who attracted to this. Even among men, the kind of man who inspires you, who you would follow into hell and back, is a strong man who will use that strength to protect you.

Strength means physical strength, of course. But because we are social animals, strength can also mean social strength - the ability to influence others to the benefit of yourself and those under your protection.

Protection doesn't mean being nice, or following orders, or giving someone what they want. It literally means including them within the circle of your protection. It's being a father, biologically or symbolically.

I see guys here twisting themselves into knots trying to parse out the right strategy for dealing with their woman. But so many of these situations are obvious if you just go back to first principles. Are you strong? Have you shown her that she is within the circle of your protection?