Guys, if like me you've got most of TRP sorted out but sometimes you falter. Sometimes you accidently text back, come on too strong etc.

This may seem obvious but I have discovered the ultimate tip for maintaining frame. Most of you will know this already however here's what I've discovered from it:

I care less, way more abundance. I have way more energy. I give off much more of a masculine vibe. No more anxiety. Less patience for bullshit.

The key difference? NoFap. I'm 10 days in, and influenced from giving up vices permanently thanks to nonothingnovember I've decided to can that in.

I'm not kidding, I dont give a fuck anymore. Naturally. I am far more confident then ever before. I have plates and I have little enthusiasm to beg or try and convince them to go out etc. In fact I'd rather train.

Try it newbs, you'll become far more powerful.