Ambitious people tend to think that being hard on themselves is going to motivate themselves to get better. Rightfully so, as logic would have it. This may sometimes work, but only sparingly & in the short term. Being regularly hard on yourself cultivates a bad mood which leads you to a desire to fix it quickly, ie instant gratification. This is not to say you should be so easy on yourself that you let anything slide. Your mission is to continuously evolve into the most awesome man you can & stressing your shortcomings isn't an effective way to do so.

You look in the mirror & see something you don't like for the thousandth time. Arms are too skinny, moobs are too fat. How do you usually feel? Probably worse than before you looked into the mirror. You tell yourself you're gonna fix it you fat fuck. . . And then, with spiritless eyes, you open your laptop & pull a sock off your foot.

You look in the mirror & you see something you do like. “Those shoulders are getting big. God damn, I look good in this shirt. Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.” How do you feel then? You feel fucking good. Energized & confident. You feel a surge of drive to go lift or talk to that girl you keep looking at.

Next time you start evaluating your progress or you just fuck up on something, remember that it's a waste of time to fret on it once you've learned from it. Objectively think about where you're lacking & adapt. If you're making mistakes, you're learning something.

As men, we must create our own value by working for it. And being a dick to yourself is only counterproductive to your mission.

So treat yourself with the love & respect that you fucking deserve. More than you give anyone else. Because if you're working on making yourself the most awesome man, then there's nowhere to go but up.