Young LTR has gone away for the week to schoolies or spring break as I think Americans call it. She just finished high school.

She’s sending me nudes constant dms and not giving any signs of disrespect. Tells me she misses my cock and can’t wait fuck, cuddle and what not.

I consider myself high value. I have money a nice home, good body, face, fuck her well and I have a good social circle including Australian celebrities.

Sometimes people get fucked up and make mistakes. And I think she’s somewhat insecure and craves validation.

I’ve spun plates and had my fun but I enjoy spending time with her and would like to continue so. But cheating is a hard next.

Before she left I calmly told her don’t fuck anyone or I’ll be over her. She responded with the same.

Is it safe to ask? Or does that come off as insecure?