My best friend (31/f) wished cancer/death on me(27/f). I'm thinking of sending her man screenshots of her admitting to cheating after what she told me.

410 points145 commentssubmitted by lila_may_4963 to r/relationship_advice

This is less about a romantic "relationship", and more about "friendship" or whatever that shit means now days. My now (ex best friend) of ten years, turned out to be the biggest bitch I've ever come across. A few months ago, she was in a bad abusive relationship. It was so bad (or at least she made it seem that way) she asked me to call the cops one morning -- I did. I was several states away at the time. The cops showed up, took a statement from her, they even had me take one over the phone; which I complied with. A few months later, she told me she was never actually abused or raped, after grilling the loop holes in her story. I had been several years ago. I feel like this bitch legit used my shitty past to lie, manipulate her own situation, and use it to her advantage. She knew I'd call the cops and be empathetic. I understand how dangerous and serious situations like that are. I had been piecing the pieces together for awhile (when she'd talk about the case and things the detectives mentioned -- there were too many holes in her story). So, I and another friend called her on it. She was livid. But, fuck it, ya know? You're not going to use me like that and then expect me to stay quiet and stupid. Aside from this, when I got engaged, I didn't show off my ring the way most do -- I'm too shy to do that. I showed my Parents/Brother & then her and my other best friend. She saw the message (it said read) and didn't say congrats or how she was happy for me. Now, to me, that hurt. I am always happy for my friends when good things happen to them and for them. In the past, when I would share good news with her, she would always say things like "I'm so jealous of you and how your life is". I always thought she was joking an always encouraged and did my best to help her pursuit her own career goals.

She texted me a few days later. No Hi. No Hello. Now how are you. No congrats -- nothing. She did manage to ask me for advice; typical. After everything, I didn't say a word to her. I blocked/deleted her on everything. I don't want trash like that around me or mine. She messaged me on her second FB page saying congrats and asking if I was upset with her. Now, she has a clear habit of lying (which I now know) -- she also (I've seen her do this and have told her many times to not do shit like that -- she's 31 by the way), make fake profiles only to message people like a little pussy of how she hates them and can't stand them. Well, she did that to me when I wouldn't answer. Last month, they found lumps in both breast and said there was a low chance of it being cancer (as breast cancer does run in my family). I told ONLY her and my Parents/Brother/Fiance. My Family/Fiance would never do me dirty like this (we are close). I get a message saying "Fuck being your friend. You're two faced. I wish you had actually had cancer and died". Who the fuck even says that to someone? I confronted her. I asked if she was the one who did this after sending her the gross message she had sent me. She got really weird, wouldn't say if she did, and was talking about how she was being honest with her new man (which I don't even get why that came up -- it had nothing to do with the conversation). The new guy she's with... he opened up his home to her recently (she just moved in with him). But he has no idea she was cheating on him for MONTHS, she would use the money he sent her to for groceries and bills -- would take ubers to fuck other guys and buy herself lingerie to wear for other men, she would call him fat and ugly; she also referred to him as her "sugar daddy". I know this guy. She and I bumped heads when I told her-her attitude and behavior was disgusting. He's a nice person and doesn't deserve to be with someone who is only using him. He has no idea. I have screenshots/texts of her saying all of this. After her being such a piece of shit to me (and I had been feeling sorry for her man for months anyways because of her dirty deeds), would it be wrong if I sent him screenshots of the kind of creature he's dating? I honestly have never considered doing someone wrong like this, but, after being told to essentially die; fuck being polite.